Forever Could be Better (Part 1/5)

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So I'll post the chapter cover later, but I just wanted to go ahead and get the chapter out. 

Here it is, the start of the next chapter. For those of you who requested for Green to get some glasses later on, that'll happen probably in Chapter 7 or 8.

Well, here's your chapter, reader!




Each moment lingers, time slows down,

As guilt and compassion fiercely drown,

In pained eyes, a flickering hope,

Aching heartstrings, trying to cope.


Warning: Death of minor☠️, and violent scenes described in detail.

Orange sprinted through the woods, panting heavily as he raced towards the flashing lights in the distance. He could see the silhouettes of large bulky structures towering over the rest of the trees.

As he neared the park, he noticed that it was surrounded by a large wired fence. Orange scampered up to it and began scratching at the side, but he quickly realized that he would not be able to enter easily.

He ran around the side of the park, desperate to find a way in.

As Orange reached the back of the park, he found a place where the fence did not reach. There was a doorway leading into a metal building, and he walked up to it.

There was a fire symbol beside the door, and Orange noticed that the door was a fire exit. He wrapped his claws around the big bar in front of it and pulled.

After a couple moments, the door swung outwards and almost smacked Orange straight on the snout. He stepped back before darting inside.

It took his eyes a couple moments to adjust to the new lighting inside, but he realized that it wasn't a terribly big room. Orange looked around, trying to figure out which room it may have been.

The first thing he noticed was that there was a rail running straight through the room. After Orange inspected it for a moment, he realized that it was probably for a ride in the park.

Orange had never seen any theme park rides before, but he assumed that something was supposed to follow the track. Maybe if he followed the track, he would find the beginning of the ride and make it to the rest of the park.

He turned around to shut the door behind him, just in case, and then hurried down the tracks in what he assumed was the right direction.

The walls were orange, just like himself, and reminded him of his own cave back at the playplace. Orange had thought that it was merely a coincidence until he had stumbled upon a cardboard cutout of himself.

Orange stumbled to a stop in complete disbelief. Why did it look almost identical to him? He looked it up and down, trying to understand.

He wanted to spend more time trying to figure it out, but he knew that he had to find his friends first. He had to know what was going on, he couldn't stand it anymore.

He pushed the cardboard cutout to the side and continued to dash down the tracks.

He finally saw the beginning of the tracks in sight, and he hopped off of them and to the side. There were about six carts lined up on the tracks, but they all seemed to be somewhat broken down.

Orange turned back around to find the entrance and then stepped in something sticky. He looked down, and didn't expect what he saw.

It was a human.

It was lying in a heap on the ground, blood was seeping everywhere. Orange couldn't even tell where it was coming from, as the entire body was one bloody mess of gore and meat. He stepped back, horrified at the sight.

Again, it was happening again. Orange's claws flew to his head as he tried to stay calm. After taking a few deep breaths, he looked back down at the body to inspect it.

That was when he realized that the human was still alive. They were still breathing, but didn't seem to be conscious.

Orange gulped nervously as he looked over their body. Upon his second look, he noticed a large and bloody wound on their arm, and many more all over their body.

They had been mauled, but not to death. Orange knew exactly what had happened.

He felt the same familiar guilt rise up inside of him again as he witnessed the aftermath of a Rainbow Friends hunt once again, and this time it was accompanied by a nauseous feeling washing over him.

He tried his best not to retch as he stepped a little closer, trying to ignore the fluids underneath his feet and the horrible smell that entered his nose.

Orange looked back up at the human's face, and realized that their eyes had opened while he had been focused on their wounds.

As Orange met their gaze, he saw that their eyes were clouded and unfocused, but he could see the unmistakable look of fear in their eyes.

Fear of him, and what he may do.

Orange felt tears prick at the edge of his eyes. He didn't know how to react, but knew that the human was in pain.

Orange quickly considered all of his options, and then clenched his claws into fists, knowing what he must do.

He squeezed his eyes shut, telling himself that it must be done, that it was the right thing to do. He ignored the tears streaming down his face and the guilt that clawed at his chest like an angry bear.

He raised his claws up, and then brought them down, ignoring the fearful choking noise that seemed to echo through the room and pierce his eardrums.

And at that moment, Orange was no longer inside of the theme park. In his mind, he was standing over another little boy. The boy with a striped shirt and multicolored cap.

In the boy's bloodied hand, a simple drawing created with no more than a few colorful crayons, of Blue, holding the boy's own hand.

Orange fell to the ground, trying to block out the screams that he could still hear to this day. He waited until all of the noise seemed to die down until he peeked an eye open.

He knew that Blue had only forgiven him because he didn't remember. Orange was terrified of what Blue would say if he knew now what they both had done to all they had once loved.

Dust swirled through the air, making it hard to breathe, and barely a streak of light shone into the room.

It was completely silent, except for the muffled sobs of Orange.


Sorry it was short again. To make up for it, I'll try to post the next chapter sooner.

Also, this story has just reached 1k reads! Thanks to those of you who have been requesting, commenting, or even just reading it occasionally! It means a lot to me, and I appreciate it so much!

May you have a wonderful day/night reader! :) 

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