The Beginning Part 2

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The eldest son commanded a powerful army, but the battle remained a bitter stalemate. He was tired and knew that his family and the people needed a quick end to this war before it could get worse. So in fear of losing what he loved most and for the sake of the kingdom he cursed his fate. He stalked the woods coming to rest within an ancient ring of stones. Where he pleaded and prayed for a sign or solution that would keep his family and people safe. And as he pleaded the will-o'-the-wisps appeared, leading him to the edge of a dark lock, and a tiny cottage far from the shore. There he found a witch, to whom he pleaded to help him change his fate.

He desired anything that would help him protect his family and people, and in exchange he offered his signet ring to persuade her. The witch could see the wounded soul, and the caring father, husband and king he was. So she made a spell and offered him a choice, to finally fulfill his much wanted wishes or find an alternate solution that doesn't require the spell. Tired and exhausted from looking for alternate solutions and putting his family in danger, he felt that this was his only hope.

He called his brothers to the throne room and pleaded one last and final time. But as expected they refused and in desperation the eldest son drank the spell. In an instant the spell took effect, giving him strength and courage but also turning him into a great black bear. His wife ran away from the palace with their child safely in her arms, running to keep her daughter safe and sound. She cried all day and night praying and pleading for solutions to help her husband, but after a few days she had given up and placed her focus on her daughter. She promised to keep her safe and happy, and spent all day protecting her. Only the stars knew that she really hadn't given up as they were the only ones who heard her quiet sobbing and wishes to bring her husband back.


Super short chapter, I'm really sorry but I think tomorrows is longer, if not I'll post 2 chapters.

Currently writing this from my sister's computer because I forgot mine at my aunt's house last time we went and I finally convinced her to let me use hers. 

I hope you enjoyed the chapter!


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