Cake, Spells and Bears Part 2

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Once we finally got mom into bed, Y/n went for water and a towel to place on her forehead. When she left mom kept mumbling about what was in the cake, and to be honest I don't know and I don't think I or she wants to know.

-"Just take all the time you need, to get right, mom" I assured her as I fixed the blanket around.

-"And in a bit you have something new to say about the marriage?" I trailed off lost in thought.

-"What was in that cak-..." 

-"Cake!" she asked and fell off the bed.

-"Mom?" I walking towards the side she had fallen to check if she was fine.

-"So I'll just tell them the wedding's off then" I told her and made my way to the door.

-"Mom?" I asked, the blanket she was under rose and dropped to show a bear.

-"BEAR!" I yelled and stumbled away, but the bear did the same and put a protective hand...or paw in front of me.

-"Mom?" I questioned as I looked at her, she growled and stumbled back surprised.

She looked in her things for something, once she found a mirror she was surprised to see herself in bear form and she dropped the mirror and began to roar and make bear sounds again, she stumbled and moved around breaking everything.

-"You''re a bear! Why a bear? Ugh...that scaffy old witch  gave me a gammy spell!" I said as I paced around the room.

She growled clearly annoyed at me, I began to explain as briefly as possible but that only caused her to growl louder.

-"It's not my fault! I didn't ask her to you into a bear" I huffed out annoyed and plopped onto what was left of the bed.

---(POV Change Reader)---

I left the room and ran to the kitchen to get a bowl and towel. I also went ahead and changed into a dark green blouse and some leather pants I had lying around, and got some clothes for Merid.

As I walked to Elinor's room growling and familiar bear sounds could be heard. I placed the bowl of water on a nearby table and ran to the room. I slammed the door open and saw Merid pacing around arguing with a big bear. He stopped and stared at me alongside the bear.

-"W-...What happened?" I asked, staring at the bear and Merid, the bear made a sound and Merid...

-"Y-You're wearing look pretty" he mumbled, as light pink tinted onto my cheeks.

-"Oh, t-thanks...I-Is that Elinor? What did you do?" I continued to ask as I walked over a held Elinor's paw

-"Yes, that is mom and it's not my fault" Merid told me as he sat on the half destroyed bed.

-"Umm...what are you going to do about Fergus, if he so much as sees her, consider her dead"

-"I'm working on it!"

-"Well you can change while you do that! Here" I mumbled and tossed him the dark blue shirt and pants.

-"Thank's, I'll be back," he told me and walked to the bathroom.

-"Oh Elinor, what are we going to do" I sighed out.


Hope you enjoyed the chapter!


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