The Games Part 3

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-"No, stop that!" Elinor yelled and I tried to take the sword away but he pushed me aside.

-"I'd rather die than be like you!" he told her and sliced the tapestry, breaking it, leaving Elinor on one side separated from her family because of the rip.

-"Merid, you are a prince, I expect you to act like one!" she muttered angrily, and grabbed Merid's bow and threw it into the fireplace .

-"Stop it! You're both angry and it's understandable, but you're saying things you don't mea-" I began but was caught off.

-"You don't ever tell me what to do!" she yelled.

-"I know you're mad, be mad at me all you want but try to understand Merid please" I begged her.

-"You're not part of this family, you're just some girl we helped, know your place! If I knew that you would cause this much trouble I...I would have left you there that day with the bear!" she yelled.

-"Mother!" Merid yelled.

-"I-I'm sorry" 

-"Y-Y/n..." Merid stared at me, and Elinor began to cry and opened her mouth to speak, but I beat her to it.

-"I-I'm sorry Elinor, and if I really caused you this much trouble you should have left me there that day with the bear. Maybe things would have been better, for you at least" I told and ran out of the room, ignoring them as they yelled my name.

I hid in the coriander to lose Merid as he chased after me, after I lost him I ran to the stables taking my horse to get away from the castle. I went on until I reached a dense part of the forest and saw a little blue ghost again. 'It's the little blue ghost, what was its name again' I thought as I dismounted my horse. 

I walked forward and followed the trail that led to a half broken castle with chunks missing, covered with brown stains, spider webs and dust. 'I've seen this before' I thought and began to look around. It was very big and dusty, I had to climb a few parts to look around. I had only probably seen a fourth of the castle when I found a little stone made house. I walked inside and instantly recognized it, it was the house I grew up in.

Walking around I recognized almost everything instantly. I looked through my mom's room and found a purple satchel and a notebook that seemed like a diary or a journal. I opened it and on the first page I found my name, I continued to read and it was dad's story and information on dad's curse. I put the notebook in the satchel, put it on and went outside.


After I lost Y/n, I continued to search for her all over the castle with the triplets and dad. We didn't find her but I found her horse missing so I assumed she ran away. I got onto my horse, Angus and began to ride, trusting that Angus knew what way he was going. We ended up at this small mountain with a ring of stones. Then the will-o'-the-wisp appeared leading me to a small stone and wood cottage. I entered and found an old lady carving wood. 'Why would the wisp lead me here?' I asked myself as I looked around.

-"Oh hello, look around dear. Holler if you need anything" the old lady said.

-"Everything is half off,"

-"Who are you?"

-"Just a humble woodcarver"

-"I don't understand,"

-"See anything you like? Perhaps a touch of whimsy to brighten any dark chamber"

-"But, the will-o'-the-wisp! They lead..."

She kept going on and on about her wood carving and deals or trades she would be able to do, just for me to buy something. But I was ignoring her, there was something off about this and the wisp leading me here for no reason was annoying me. She continued to talk and showed me her carvings, but I heard a noise coming from behind her. I looked and it was a broom moving around on it's own.

-"Your broom! It was sweeping by itself!" I said pointing at it, she looked and made it drop to the ground.

-"That's ridiculous! Wood cannot be imbued with magical properties, I should know I'm a wit...whittler! Of wood."

I began to look around again as she continued to persuade me to buy wood carvings. A crow caught my attention, I got close to touch it but the "Wood Whittler" stopped me.

-"That's stuffed!"

After saying that the crow moved and started to talk and sing, but the witch snapped her fingers causing the broom to come back to life and knock the crow unconscious.

-"You're a witch!"


-"That's why the wisp led me here!"


-"You can change my fate!"


I hope you enjoyed the chapter!


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