Don't Underestimate Part 1

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I walked to my room and washed up, changing into a simple dark blue dress with white lacing. I walked around the castle wondering off not paying attention where I was going. Which wasn't very practical because I ended up bumping into someone. I looked up and to my relief it was Fergus.

-"I'm sorry I wasn't looking where I was going"

-"It's alright lass, you look out of sorts"

-"Y-yeah, I was but it's nothing I'm better now"

-"Alright, I won't push it just make sure you talk to someone because keeping it in only hurts you more"

That was one of the things I liked about Fergus, he always treated me like kindly and gave good talks and advice when needed. 

-"You know I could really use a distraction right now, how 'bout you give me the fighting lesson right now?" I asked. trying to push off the previous topic.

-"Off course lassie let's get Merid, after the talk with his mother I think he needs the distraction more than anyone"

I smiled softly as we walked off in search of Merid. In the middle of searching I suggested that we split up, he would arrange the targets and stuff and I would look for Merid and meet him there. I eventually found him and dragged him over to the arena.

-"Why are we here?" Merid asked as we made our way to the far end where Fergus was.

-"Fergus is going to teach me fighting and shooting"

-"You know, you never told me what else you know how to do"

-"All I know right now is that you can shoot on point and your sword skills are pretty good too."

-"Pretty good? I disarmed you faster than you could ever do to me" 

-"I was distracted and you did it out of nowhere. I wasn't even paying attention, and that still doesn't answer my question" he mumbled, giving me a light push forward.

-"Then you'll just have to wait and see," I replied, a sly smile pulling my lips.

-"You're very child-some sometimes, you know that?"

-"I know but you love it" I tease, not noticing the pink of his cheeks.


Hope you enjoyed the chapter!

Chapter's will be really inconsistent this month, it's an important month for me but I'll try and update when I can. February we'll bring back the 5 days a week updates. 


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