Dinner Disasters Part 1

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As we walked into the dining room I could hear Fergus's voice, as I listened for a bit I could hear that he was telling his favorite story. I hated this story, they made dad look like he was a bad guy but he wasn't, he was trying to protect me and defend himself. They were the bad guys for trying to hurt dad. I felt my stomach turning and I had to try really hard to keep myself from screaming a 'shut it' to Fergus.

-"And then, out of nowhere, the biggest bear you've ever seen," Fergus said while waving his arms around.

-"His hide was littered with the weapons of fallen warriors..." he continued, but the triplets weren't paying attention, they looked like they were dying of boredom, but Fergus didn't seem to notice either.

-"I drew my sword and...."

-"Whoosh!" Merid interrupted, scaring and grasping his brother's attention.

-"With one swipe of his sword shattered!" Merid exclaimed as he walked around the table.

-"And then chomp! Dad's leg was clean off! Down the monster's throat it went!" he continued as I made my way to my seat, slightly rolling my eyes.

-"Ohh, that's my favorite part!" Fergus pouted.

'That's my favorite part too' I thought, but soon my thoughts were interrupted when Merid concluded the story.

-"Mor'du has never been seen again!" he told them as he sat down in his chair, which was next to mine.

-"And is roaming the wilds waiting for his chance of revenge! Arrrghhh!"

-"Let him return. I'll finish what I'd guddled to do in the first place!" Fergus grumbled, slamming his hands onto the table.

-"No!" I yelled, everyone stared at me confused.

-"I-I mean no, you wouldn't want to get hurt ummm...think about your family, as long as he's not bothering anyone we should do the same." I corrected myself and slummed slowly down into my seat.

Everyone stared at me like I was crazy, but if I heard one more threat or bad thing being said about my father I would personally take revenge in his place. Merid took off his bow, placed it on the table and began to grab food to eat.

-"Merid, a prince does not place his weapons on the table" Elinor lectured, not even looking up from the letters she was looking at.


-"It's just my bow!" Merid complained.

-"A prince should not have weapons in my opinion" she continued.

-"Leave him be! Prince or not, learning to fight is essential, and I am about this close to teaching Y/n some tricks!" Fergus said while putting his thumb and pointer finger together.

-"They're touching!" Merid mumbled.

-"Yup, tomorrow I'm teaching the lassie to shoot!" Fergus exclaimed excitedly.

Merid opened his mouth to speak but I gave him a look, 'Don't you dare tell him' he nodded, a playful smile hinting at his lips.

-"Thank you, I look forward to tomorrow"  

-"Mom, you'll never guess what Y/n and I did today!" Merid changed topics.

-"Mhm?" Elinor replied, clearly not paying any attention but I don't think Merid noticed.

-"We climbed Queen's Tooth and drank from the Fire Falls!"

-"Fire Falls? They say only the ancient Kings were brave enough to drink from the fire" Fergus told us, making us feel excited.

-"What did you do, dear?" Elinor questioned, her apparent distraction with other things now more than clear.

-"Nothing, mum." Merid mumbled, slumping down into his seat as I took his hand gently from under the table.


I hope you enjoyed the chapter!


Brave (Male! Merida x Reader)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin