The Games Part 1

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As we walked to the outside thrones I looked around, the place was decorated very beautifully and there was so much to do. If the conditions were different I would have very much loved to be here. There were many games to play, but the one that caught my attention was a bear pinata that was being pulled up and down as children hit it with small wood swords, it annoyed me momentarily.  

Trying to distract myself I looked in the opposite direction and saw the triplets trying to steal a pastry plate from Maudie. I smiled as they ran away with the plate, Maudie running after them until she fell. As everyone got to their seats and I stood by Merid, a loud horn was heard from everywhere indicating that the games were about to begin.

-"It's time!" Fergus yelled.

-"Archers, to your marks!" Elinor instructed.

-"Aye, archers to your marks!" Fergus repeated.

-"And may the lucky arrow find it's target!" Elinor wished the girls luck as they got ready.

-"Oye, get on with it!"Fergus yelled and slumped into his chair.

The suittresses got ready and the lords stood next to each other nearby bickering and bumping shoulders. I looked down at Merid to find him smirking at me and hiding something under his throne. I gave him a questioning look to which he just turned to face forward. 

Seeing as I would get no where with this I looked forward, Lord MacGuffin's daughter got ready to shoot. She looked nervous at the cheering crowd as she stepped forward and shot the arrow, only to almost hit the very edge of the black outer ring. Everyone still cheered others booed and Lord MacGuffin facepalmed as he grumbled something. which I could assume were colorful words

-"I bet she wishes she was tossing cabers" Merid mumbled which caused Fergus to laugh and Elinor to frown.

-"Or holding up bridges" Fergus added between his laughs which caused Elinor to huff in disappointment and hit Fergus, I hit Merid in the back of the head lightly muttering that he be respectful at the very least.

Lord Macintosh's daughter was next, she readied her arrow, did some...weird positions and poses and with a flip of her hair she finally let the arrow go. The arrow flew and hit the white ring of the target, a 'strand of hair' more and she would have hit bullseye.

-"NOOOOO!" she yelled and began to throw and tantrum as she threw her bow across towards the crowd.

-"Got it!" someone yelled which caused me to giggle.

-"At least you hit the target, lass!" Lord Macintosh yelled trying to make her feel better which did not.

-"Oh, that's attractive," Merid teased as he rolled his eyes.

-"And such lovely flowing flocks" Fergus added as he puffed his hair upwards.

-"Fergus!" Elinor grumbled, angry and annoyed.

-"What!?" Fegrus looked at her with an innocent expression, acting as if he hadn't done anything.

Lastly Lord Dingwall's daughter stepped forward to ready herself. As she tried to grab an arrow from the bag she failed and dropped all of them on the ground.

-"Oh, we' lamb," Merid teased, pretending to pity her.

She finally got her arrow and bow ready and was preparing to shoot but the arrow kept coming off to the side. I think the crowd was more frustrated than she was that it wasn't working.

-"Oh, come on, shoot, lass!" Fergus yelled annoyed, slamming his fist on the arm rest of his throne.

To everyone's surprise she shot a bullseye, 'great going Fergus' I thought. I looked over at Merid only to find one of the dogs which licked my cheek happily. 'Oh I hope he knows what he's doing' I thought and began to pet the dog.

-"Well, that's just grand now, isn't it?" Fergus grumbled through gritted teeth.

-"Guess who's coming to dinner!"

-"Fergus!" Elinor warned.

-"By the way, I hope you don't mind being called Lord Ding-..." he continued but as as he turned to face Merid he was met with one of the dogs.

-"Wait! What? Where is he?" they both questioned me, mumbling a 'I'm not sure' I faced forward.


I hope you enjoyed the chapter!


Brave (Male! Merida x Reader)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz