Don't Underestimate Part 2

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After making fun of him and talking to Fergus as he briefly explained what to do, he told me to get ready. I stood in position and positioned the arrow pulling the bow string back. I let go and surprise surprise I hit a bullseye. I turned to Fergus who looked at me surprised and Merid who was laughing at his dad's expression. I moved onto the next few and quickly shot a bullseye each time. Once done I walked to Fergus who looked like he was still in shock from the first time I shot.

-"I finished what should we do now?" I asked, trying to hide the smirk that wanted to crawl onto my lips.

-"I...How...W-What?!" Fegus mumbled, looking between me and the targets and eventually looking at Merid annoyed because he was just laughing.

-"Fighting is essencial, remember" I reminded him,  a small laugh leaving my lips after reciting the line he had said earlier.

-"W-What else do you know how to do?" he asked, Merid stopped laughing almost instantly just to pay attention to what I was going to say.

-"Just a few things, Merid knows one already" I replied and faced Merid to see what he would say.

-"She's pretty good-...she has good swordsmanship" he mumbled.

-"Well then, that's what we are doing next!" Fergus told us and handed a sword to me and another to Merid.

-"It's simple: the first one to disarm the other wins, you ready, okay START!" he called out.

We began to duel, it was quiet at first all you could hear was the clashing of the swords and Fergus who was talking to someone but I didn't know who because I didn't want to distract myself.

-"I hope you aren't distracted and that you do pay attention this time" I mumbled while blocking a hit Merid sent my way.

-"It would be quite embarrassing to lose a second time," 

-"I didn't lose, and if I did it would be because I was distracted, and we weren't even dueling. I was hitting the bedpost!"

We continued for about a few more minutes minutes until I disarmed him...again. I understand why I would be better at it though, mother was really really strict on me learning, especially with how the situation was. She taught me all sorts of things, swordsmanship and combat were her specialty so naturally I learned every trick and skill there is. Besides that I practice often with the guards who are pretty good when they're not sleeping. I pay them with pastries as long as they also promise to not tell anyone, you'd be surprised at how much fully grown adults love pastries.

-"I win," I teased, handing him his sword back.

He pushed me playfully as we walked back to Fergus. Once we got there I found that the person who was talking to Fergus was...Elinor...


I hope you enjoyed the chapter!

I had some free time so I thought I'd update!


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