4 | Heartfelt Beginnings

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"What exactly did you need to tell me that required we meet at a public place?" I ask, curious about Dominic's intentions.

"A bit about myself. You are my fiancée, after all. I also expect you to do the same. Consider this our first date," Dominic says, a small smile on his handsome face.

It's been a while since I've been on a date, even though I was recently with Marco. Over six months had passed without a date between us, but I understood he was going through a lot.

"Are you okay?" he asks, breaking my reverie.

"Yes, what do you want to know?" I ask, curious about his sudden interest.

"Everything. Where you grew up, what you want to do in life, dreams, goals, and anything interesting I might need to know," he requests, his eyes ablaze with fervor. He seems genuinely invested.

"I was born and raised in Haiti, but I moved here at a young age. I've only been living in New York for three years. Before that, I was in Texas, where my mom and brother still live. You probably knew that, though."

"I did," he responds shamelessly, and I roll my eyes.

"Fuck, Tesero, you're going to have to stop doing that," he growls, his tone carrying a mix of fascination and intensity.

"I'll do whatever I want, Dominic," I retort, noticing a flicker of enjoyment in his eyes amidst his serious demeanor.

"Anyways, as I was saying, I'm studying nursing. You already knew that too, I'm sure. I'm twenty years old. My father passed away a couple of months before I moved here," I continue, sharing more personal details about myself.

"I'm sorry to hear that. My mother died when I was younger as well."

"I'm sorry."

"It's fine. It was a very long time ago and I barely knew her," he brushes it off, but I sense the concealed pain in his eyes.

"Your turn," I prompt him, eager to reciprocate the sharing.

"I'm twenty-two years old. I actually majored in biomedical science. I have a half-brother who I detest with everything in me. My dad remarried soon after my mom died," he shares, and I listen intently.

"I've got a bunch of half-siblings too, but I've never met them," I reveal, instantly regretting the overshare. It feels too personal; after all, I just met this man two days ago.

"They're always complicated," he explains, and I nod, understanding the nuances of family dynamics.

"What do you like to do? Any hobbies?" he inquires.

"I like to write. I've written several novels, but they're all unpublished drafts. I'll probably never publish them," I confess.

"Why not?" he asks.

"I just don't want people to judge me. I can't deal with judgments."

"We'd never be able to do anything if we were always worrying about what others think. People will always have an opinion of you, whether it's good or not. Might as well do what you want."

"I guess," I say, and we lapse into a comfortable silence as we enjoy our meal.

"What about you? Do you have any hobbies?" I ask.

"My nighttime activities keep me quite busy," he cryptically replies.

"What kind of activities?" I press, curious.

"Trust me, Tesero. You do not want to know," he says in a deep voice, causing me to gulp nervously.

"O-okay," I shyly respond.

"You're cute," he compliments, to which I awkwardly reply with a quick thanks, brushing a strand of curly hair from my face.

"May I?" he asks, leaning closer. I'm confused until he points out, "there's a small piece of the pancake in your hair."

"Oh god," I mumble, looking away in embarrassment. "It's nothing for you to be embarrassed about, princess," he reassures, approaching to remove the pieces of the pancake.

"Thank you," I murmur, caught in his intense gaze as he leans in, almost touching noses. His captivating eyes lock onto mine as he delicately removes it.

"Anything for you, la mia fidanzata," he responds, his voice deepening as he addresses me with the Italian term, infusing a sense of intimacy into his words. (My fiancé.)

"Huh?" I inquire, puzzled, and he shakes his head.

I start nervously nibbling on my lips again, a nervous habit I often fall into.

"You have got to stop doing that," he advises me, observing my anxious gesture.

"Why?" I inquire, hoping for an explanation.

"No reason, Tesero," he responds, leaving me with a sense of mystery.

"Gia?" A feminine voice interrupts, causing me to glance behind me, startled by the unexpected intrusion.

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