21 | Her Return

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I'm currently heading to Amely, remembering how Mom loved this place. It used to be a cherished memory, but Mom's disappearance changed that. We never confirmed her death, but Dad realized she couldn't still be alive after years of searching.

I stop at the old, now empty Amely building. It looks worn from the outside. Back then, Mom had plans to turn it into a charity center. She wanted to help people.

I get out of my car and wait anxiously for Lilith. A few minutes later, she, Nathaniel, and a man named Malachai, who I recognize as Dad's friend, comes out of the building.

"Dominic. We're glad you made it," Lilith states, her words dripping with an unsettling camaraderie.

"You're his dad, aren't you? After all these years my father trusted you, you son of a bitch," I retort, confronting the revealed betrayal.

"Yes, I am. We started the business together, but he started pushing me away. I should own half of everything that's his." Malachai asserts, weaving a distorted narrative of entitlement.

"Now you're being crazy. Just because you've been working for him doesn't give you the right to his business," I scoff, dismissing his claims with a bitter laugh.

"Enough! Men," Lilith intervenes, rolling her eyes in disdain.

"Where's my father?" I ask.

"Follow us," Lilith says, leading us into the building. I notice they've been staying here for years. The outside looks horrible, but the inside is the opposite.

They guide me to a basement, revealing my father tied to a chair.

"Dad!" I say, rushing to his side.

"Dominic! What are you doing here?" he questions, concern etched across his face.

"I'm here to rescue you, Dad."

"It's a trap, Dom. Run!" he warns, his plea cut short by Lilith's laughter.

"Now I promised to give you back your dad, but I never said anything about letting you all go."

"Lilith, I will sign your stupid documents; just let my father go." Then I watch as their men usher in my mother.

"Mom!" my voice echoing through the tense atmosphere.

"Dom! My son," she cries.

"Mom! You're alive."

"I am, honey," she smiles weakly.

"Isn't this cute?" Lilith sneers before slapping me across the face. "Sign the freaking documents," she demands, throwing them at me.

I scrutinize the document, then turn to her, smirking. "If you're not going to let us go, then what's the point?"

I look at them, then turn to her, "If you're not going to let us go, then what's the point?" I smirk.

"Boy, do you think we're playing with you?" Malachai mocks, a condescending smirk gracing his face.

"I'm not stupid. I'm just going to hand off my family's business. Let my mother go, and I will do it. You have held her captive for two decades. Let her go!"

"No. We're not negotiating anymore. Now sign!" Malachai states firmly.

They hear a noise from the hallway, "I'll check it out," Malachai says, with Nathaniel trailing behind.

"You better not be playing any tricks," Lilith warns.

"Oh, but I'm not," I assure her.

"Now sign the freaking pa-" Lilith's words get cut off as Gianna, with a surprising entrance, lands a punch squarely on her face.

"Gianna, what are you doing here?"

"I couldn't let you do all this by yourself," Gianna smirks.

Seizing the chance, I pull Gianna into a tight embrace, the urgency of the moment fueling a spontaneous kiss. Yet, the gravity of our situation quickly dawns on me. "Help me," I implore, and united, we proceed to untie my father and mother.

In the dimly lit basement, the atmosphere pulsates with a mix of anxiety and determination as we work swiftly to free them from the restraints that bound them to the chairs.

"We need to leave. My men will arrive soon, but saving my parents is the priority," I tell her. She nods in understanding.

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"A part of me is simmering with anger at your unexpected presence."

"And the other part?" I smile, attempting to diffuse the tension.

"Is just glad you care." Dominic smiles.

"Dominic, I will always care about you," I tell him before Malachai reenters the room.

"Where on earth do you think you're going?" He demands, his formidable stature imposing in the confined space. While Nathaniel stands behind him.

"Now, brother, you didn't think we were just going to let you go, did you?" Nathaniel taunts.

"I'm not your fucking brother," Dominic retorts before turning to me.

"Tesero, I'm going to need you to trust me." I nod, acknowledging the gravity of the situation.

"Take my parents to the back entrance. Please be safe. I love you," he whispers, leaving me momentarily stunned. He then kiss on me the cheek, and pull back as he waits for my response.

"Uh, yes, please come back, Dominic," I manage to say. He smirks, stays calm despite the danger, and winks playfully, coaxing a smile from me.

"I'll always come back to you," he promises, and I see Dominic's men make a strategic entrance.

"Go!" Dominic says, and I rush to the door with his parents.

We reach the back, discovering a car thankfully equipped with keys. Assisting Dominic's parents into the car, I take the wheel and drive away.

Ten minutes later, a realization hits me-I have no idea where I'm headed. I decide to halt the car. "Do you think they're after us?" I ask his parents, turning around.

"No, I trust that my son's got it handled," Lucius asserts.

Turning to Dominic's mother, he says, "My love, I can't believe you're alive," tears streaming down his face.

"You better believe it," she replies as she smiles at him.

I watch as they embrace each other in the backseats. She then turns around, acknowledging me. "I'm sorry; I haven't thanked you yet," she says.

"There's nothing to thank me for; I'm just relieved you're alive, ma'am," I respond.

"Please call me Elysia," she insists, and I nod.

"It's nice to finally meet you. I'm Gianna," I tell her.

"It's nice to meet you too, Gianna. I can tell my son likes you," she winks playfully.

I stammer, "we're just friends," attempting to clarify.

"And so were we once," Dominic's dad Lucius interjects.

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