17 | Exposed Truths

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Three Days Later

In a dim room, Emma's worry is clear as I tightly grip the DNA results, each crease reflecting the weight of the revelation. Through the phone, she echoes, "When are you going to tell him?"

"Today, Emma. If he lets me. I've been calling him a lot, but he won't answer," I reply, frustration in my tone.

A silent pause follows before she asks, "Do you think something's wrong?"

"No, he's fine. I made sure of it," I reassure her. The loyalty of my father's long-serving men is my shield.

"I won't keep you then. Good luck," she offers before the call ends, leaving me alone with the impending confrontation.

With jacket and car keys, I rush to my father's mansion, urgency coursing through me. Lilith and Nathaniel, usually out for lunch, inadvertently reveal their whereabouts, aiding my mission.

At the mansion, I acknowledge the guards, their nods granting entry. Purposefully, I navigate the halls until I reach my father's office. A quick knock precedes his voice, "Come in, Dominic."

Curious, I ask, "How'd you know it was me?"

"You're my son, Dominic. Anyways, what are you doing here?" His irritation is evident.

"Dad, can we talk?" I plead, standing firm.

"How the hell did you get in here, Dominic?" He demands.

"We both know your men don't stand a chance against me," I assert, acknowledging our unspoken understanding.

Cutting to the chase, he asks, "What do you want?"

"Have you ever suspected Nathaniel wasn't yours?"

His anger flares, "Where are you going with this, Dominic? If this is about the business-"

I interrupt, dropping the DNA results. He snatches them, his hands betraying a tremor, absorbing the truth. Tension fills the room as he reads before casting the paper aside, a storm brewing on his face.

"I always had my suspicions," he admits, removing his glasses.

"Lilith and Nathaniel knew this entire time," I disclose, peeling back the layers of deception.

"Lilith I get, but Nathaniel knew too?"

"She must've told him when he was old enough. Lilith and his real father are planning something."

"What are they planning?" My father, now composed, seeks answers.

"They want your business. By driving a wedge between us, they hope you'll willingly hand it over to Nathaniel," I explain, exposing the calculated strategy.

"Who else knows about this?"

"Just Gianna and Emma. Gianna told me, and I needed Emma's help with Nathaniel," I confess.

"We can't let them know we're onto them. They've been planning this for decades. We have to get ahead somehow," he instructs, urgency in his words.


"Because we can't tip our hand. I need you to keep this a secret," he implores, placing trust in my discretion.

"Don't worry, Dad. I'll deal with it," I vow, the gravity of the situation sinking in.

"I know you will, Dominic," he affirms, and with a nod, I exit the room, family secrets lingering.

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