In deep: The universe.

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In deep. The universe and the nights to us, it reveals everything, the reality. The incidence happening, occuring and appearing in the universe.
Many questions in my mind and I swear no one has the exact answer. Everything is my thoughts and philosophy here, I don't know you will understand or not but it will haunt, with specific happenings, my words and you will remember it, My Existence. Afterlife and my hope, I hope that if not today then someday or whenever I will be found in between people, I do not care about time.

The society I live in, people divided each other into religion, land, sea and life, the way of living. People try to change into man and woman and everyone does but some tries to be as it is (human). I told the creator(whoever is) I am human, you created me as human, I will be worshipping you as a human although I am binded with religion, race and forcing society but still I will worship you as a human.

[The term afterlife humans never thought it deeply religions and facts describe it differently with different perspectives. The main point we will exist or not or everything is fake and hallucinating. We are working for our present survival, what if we had to work for our after life in this present?
Or we humans are growing faster than the universe, that is the destruction of us, human needs to realise, humans need to care each other for the betterment of its surroundings.]

"And I do not know however my writings are, but I write for me to comfort me and myself. I see no eyes on me I just see the engaged world within themselves. I feel uniqueness, devastated too and in the situation what should I do, what can I do. I just order myself to be seated and think and over think."

I am a soul who loves to write and writes about the thoughts that goes through my mind, the hard and the light feelings.
All because of this world and to this world.

This is the world where people divided each other into many pieces and gave values on their own.

I am a soul with strong thoughts, I believe. And I need nothing to be strong, my thoughts are enough.

And this is the starting of my existence, where it is all starts from my thoughts and also ends to my thoughts.

I am not afraid to get denied, My Existence is the truth and truth is always denied.

Nobody cares it! False is accepted; even knowing the truth, people like to smile at false.

In crowd the world will change. No one cares about the minority, the eternal truth.

(I thank to my love who made me realised many things of this worldly life.)

I was not perfect on anything.
I am sinful.
O lord of all existences and non existences please make it easy.

I believe in my existence and so I believe in the existence of peace, the true Lord.

I am a believer, the life after life, or death. When will it end? Till where we have to go?
O lord make it easy.
It is the lord who created and can destroy.
And the whole universe and the space between us and the nothingness consist all the answers.
And it is the nights, who can lead us to seek, seek in the eternity.

Look up and try to understand the voice of void.
See the stars how far it is, still it's light reaches you and then you make poetic and joyful verses from it.
Understand the reality of the universe and whatever exist, try understanding the reason behind of all.

My Existence is the voyage to the verses of peace.

It is the place where you might be connected to somewhere else. Maybe into different realms being in one.

Our lives are busy but we need to think many things that actually we do not, so this Existence will tell you many things about my thoughts.

It is to guide you. If you think according to the words of mine, then you will definitely find peace in yourself.

Let's seek and get into the eternity, the nothingness.

"Be Heaven, Be Peace."

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