The Empires

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The spectre of those empires once haunted your greatest of greatest parents.
Where are those empires now?
Only left some scars and stories. They were the superior in Earth, but denied the truth and got mixed with soil.

They came with the best and rudest rulers and got arrogance.

Where are their empires now?

Good or bad everyone got dissolved in soil and water, fire and smoke.
And today you reject the past.
Neither they were the superior nor you today.

Still why we just not take it as an example of our existence?
In future, they will say, "Once there was a civilization they were the best developed on that time." As today we say how Egypt was developed. They just left their creativity, where are the Pharaohs? I just see their bodies lying in the museum.

How mysteriously gone. In every continent there were a civilization. They thought they were superior. I do respect their ethnicity and traditions and cultures. Why they didn't believed in the truth?

Today the whole planet is civilized by lie and some truth. We play with the best creations of peace, the nature.
No matter how developed we become, the peace is always superior.

These texts are preserved for the mankind. But we are becoming heedless.

"Do you see the real soul inside you? And for that you play with the creations."
Why don't you understand.
The holy texts has the answers.


This all will end like nothing was there, the upcoming generations may say, "How mysteriously they gone and just left their creativity."

They will search for our existence and really will forget about themselves what they are for.

Is it a continuous process?

Nothing is, as everything has to end.

The other planets and their life. I know death is everywhere as peace is everywhere.

The constellations today we see may not be there tomorrow why do you not connect this to you. We are not superior, see how the stars ends.

Years after years, civilizations after civilizations. Our civilization may not see but if the life will exist in Earth for a long time, they may see the explosion in universe of stars.

How far the stars are, still the light comes to you. And you think we are everything in universe?

Somehow, science is truth.


The Sirius you see in the night sky. The stars tries to say us something.

The Sirius is the star of devotion. And each and every star.

Our sun also should be respected. Everything belongs to the Lord.

Hence universe is full of empires.

Only pitch dark, just peace and you or we in one. We all are peace.


You hear the stories of many pure souls and still you go to the wrong path. What is wrong with this world. Many will say, "nothing is".

They came for the welfare of us and further life. And we are just to deny, hopefully, some of us respected.

How they struggled we just do not think about that. We just see the front page and not the back story of behind the scenes.

They said, "Be lovable to everyone, be the love to everyone."

Nothing this worldly life will be our help on that day but our deeds will. Believe it or not but if you do good you will go to peace and everyone will and those who do bad they will too be in peace but inside them the hell will burn as thoughts.

Peace is everything but we can't see it, we can feel. Why do we do not want to see the beautiful art and aesthetics of peace?

The music, the hymns, the nature and the life, the souls.

We just ignore.

If it is, then nothing will change until and unless the truth comes to us.

The pure souls or the holy beings came with the truth and its existence.

And we never paid heed.

Time is such a thing that really doesn't cares anyone or anykind or anything.
And the empires had to fall, has to fall.
Fall to death, to peace.

Take it as an example and relate it with your life.

When Everything will end, not even our creativity, our scars or any type of things that we want to leave for our next generations will be there. Everything will be erased.
I believe on that day.

A fresh new will be start as peace in peace like after the fall of one empire another comes in existence.

The existence will be there is only peace and nothing else.

We all in one. The Lord.

We all will wake again.

"Be Heaven, Be Peace."

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