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O Lord of all existences and non existences, whoever you are, I believe in creating more peace and a true devotee of you.

O Lord of My Existence, I don't need anything but the strong peace everywhere.

O Lord of all stars and creations, Indeed, you are the best creator, after all noises we will return to you.

My devotion is not wierd, I just be stop my sences and start my journey in peace.
It is that, O life, Indeed, every creation is the best devotee of the Lord but our thoughts to devotion is very limited.
The Lord (whoever is) just need peace and love.

Pray, not for heaven but wherever you are, pray that your surroundings or environment is peaceful and adorable like heaven, that you create in your mind.
Praise the Lord, not for desires. Indeed many says; pray for what you have.
Our Lord (whoever is) is not greedy like us but indeed, whoever our Lord is, our Lord loves peace.

Lord doesn't need sacrifice of own creations. Do your parents, who gave you birth need your sacrifice? As your parents who gave you birth loves you more than themselves, same like whoever our creator is, the Lord loves us more than him.
Do not think that, then why lord gives us death, even painful. It is you who is the reason of your painful death or death without pain, it is you who decides your own pleasure and pain in life.
Indeed the Lord (whoever is) is the most merciful and the most forgiving.

As I believe, even if you don't believe in lord, that the lord doesn't exist and you believe in peace, then the Lord (whoever is) is fulfilling your life with more peace.

Pray the lord with fresh mind.
Pray the Lord being in peace.

Even if you give one percent of yourself to the Lord, then the Lord (whoever is) is satisfied and fully present for your help as your peaceful pleasure.

Do not deny, that I pray and lord doesn't gives anything to me.
What is hope? Why do you even pray once?
How long the hope goes , doesn't matter. The thing that matter is be happy and whoever does sin, is the reason of his or her own hell. Indeed, the Lord is the most merciful and the most forgiving.

It is okay that you are not a devotee but believe it or not you too have a good morality to use.
It is the best way of devotion.

When people die without hope, or they didn't sought the true pleasure and peace. As the people of Earth follows many religions, and made different Gods. Whatever, choose one or many and pray for hope, pray for others that they, the people can give some thing that you need.
But it is Indeed, whoever the Lord is, the Lord is one and only and we are the part of the Lord.

Worship the Lord, and no need to show off. Worship the Lord in silence, pray with peace, with kindness.

Nothing your Lord needs from you, all that exists and are useful to you and not, Lord has only given. The Lord is the best provider.
Just the Lord needs peace and love everywhere.
Indeed, even the Holy Texts says; nothing the Lord needs from you, it is indeed that the Lord gives you.

The Lord only want to see kindness around us.
But the survival of life is the destroyer of kindness and peace.
It is that I believe, they, the people says and will say; there will one day, it will be the day of destruction.

Indeed, your love towards the Lord is the best way of devotion, but do not break peace even for the Lord.

"Be Heaven, Be Peace."

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