The Beginning

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It has to be the new world.

Not hate, no violence and no nothing.

It cannot be processed in our mind as it is the real peace.

When it will happen to us or when we will be there?

Only after the end of this cruel society.

Everything that happens to you is not the truth, and you behave like, "it is the part of life." But you do not know, you are the hidden slave of society.

It is not the peace.

Your existence has a different value and society is putting it's value making you a part of it and everything that you earn goes to society.

Your life is the best, you life should not be based on others philosophy like it is based the beliefs of society.

We are not enormous like the universe but our mind is. So what do you deny?

And the beliefs of society will make you do whatever it wants and if you do not want to, the society blames you then you feel not like to be in a society anymore, "Where should I go?" This is what you may face and then choose to end a beautiful life, too early in the hands of death.
But you do not know, how beautiful the life is without Society's beliefs.
Indeed we are dependent to eachother and that really doesn't mean that we have to listen whatever the society says. Choose your own peace by doing good that is never harmful for others and not even for you. Then you are the best of all, then you are listening to the words of blankness, nothingness and universe.

It is best.

But, they always like to deny the true words and denying it is indeed not your regret. You feel like, "Everything on me is going good." It is an achievement for this cruel society and it's man made laws and beliefs.

It will all end.

Everything will submerge in peace, in the liquid of peace.

It will be a different world of just love and peace.

That time we will be united.

"This philosophy can be detailed in many ways."

Like; in one point we will emerge ourselves to one and true thought.
What do you think it is?

It is nothing but truth, that you deny today.

It is peaceful.


Talk with the stars in the sky, they may know something about you and yours.

They just not have their light but also they have you.

These all things are maybe very silly to you but will unlock the hidden path.

Everything is for good. Accept it because you know it is going to happen.

And do not worry, bad and evil will fade to nothingness.

It is eternal, like the holy texts says.

That time nothing you will be desiring for, you will be getting the real desire, that your soul needed. It is peace.

But this era have been so distracted; they harm themselves, they give pain to themselves. What is the point?
They might feel pleasure and get benefits by torturing someone.

You will regret.
(It is not the warning, it is just a normal statement but it is you to take it as. And because it is going to happen.)

"If you really feel your souls thoughts just know about the universe."


Afterall the play of end, the new beginning will be their. That you say as heaven.

It is beyond your thoughts and prophecies.

It is beyond the peace you feel today.

So what do you wait for?

O humans and souls; you came in the best form and believe it you will go in best form and if not then it is result of your deeds.

[These all are my prophecies and these prophecies are always like the spiky thoughts that hurts me to reveal.]

Many philosophies came, good thoughts, good words and good deeds.

And still you deny this.

For what?

The reward you get here is not your eternal thing but reward your soul wants is peace, the eternal peace.

And they, the holy beings said, "do not deny".

But the lies are Powerfull enough to divert you from the truth.

Lies are lies and it can cover truth but can never destroy it and somehow and someday that, the truth will come out.

Listen to the truth and truth is the question of your existence, it is peace.


There will be no day and night, no light and stars, no darkness and brightness, no object and matters, no eyes to see, no nose to smell, no tongue to speak, no ear to hear.

That is the true Lord.

We all are waiting for it but this worldly life doesn't wants us to realise.

Come up and see the vasting universe.

Come out of the shelter and let your soul realise.


Everything that was sent down and will be sent down is all for the holy mankind.

It is the way of truth.

And this begining will not have any end it is eternal.


For the holy mankind.


"Be Heaven, Be Peace."

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