The Holy Texts.

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Each and every holy books that are revealed for holy mankind and the morality of humans. I believe that the creator is the most merciful and forgiving. O lord of the stars and skies, I am a very sinful person still I will keep you in my warm heart and will ask you for forgiveness and recite your imaginations and your existence.

Your light and everything is yours, the science ends to you. O lord of all existences and non existences. Your light touches me deep inside. You have infinite colours; my existence is the example as I can taste you and your belongings.

The holy texts says: those who do good deeds will be rewarded with the best. On the other hand those who are sinful will be in the worst situation. Is it the truth? Or just till our thoughts. Or everything will end like the book is closed forever.

And the roaming souls, we all will return, you will too. Listen to the holy texts. The holy texts says: The creator just destroys the evilness.

I believe the lord is one but who is? Whoever but the reason of my existence. I live in the present that doesn't exist anymore, and it is still passing away.

The holy texts says: you have been given enough time and it ends. But when?
And the last star will see the raw truth. On the dooms day, everything ends. That exists, the holy text says: you will realise.
Or everything can be fake believe it or not but you see death and will see the death of everything. And it ends.
Everything will be against the rules of physics and then they will, we will realise that the truth we were reading as texts will be followed on real and will be seen through eyes, even the blind will see, the deaf will hear and the dumb will scream.

The holy texts says: That they will starve for death, they will call death but the death is dead for them.
It is that they didn't believe, and they will suffer. Even the holy texts says: My lord is the most forgiving and the most merciful, the lord will forgive, it is too extreme in the holy texts, the lord will forgive.
My Lord, whoever you are make it easy.

Everything we shouldn't believe of the holy texts, believe in the good deeds, you will see rewards coming to you. Lord is imagination however the Lord exists.

The holy texts says: the lord is the owner of those seven doors and those seven skies. Where we hope to enter.
And the lord will decide, we imagine those seven skies, it is nothing, indeed the paradise, the peace that is beyond good and evil.

Do you not believe in your existence? Do you not see the glowing stars or the existence is fake and we should not believe in afterlife and only believe in ending, the life we are living will end forever like a closed chapter and cannot be opened anymore. Ask yourself, many said and many will, it is that some lie has hidden the truth like a layer of an iron is covering the gold.

What is that lie? Lie. It is the holy texts who said, this world is a beautiful lie, this life is a beautiful lie everything we see can be lie but why the creator would lie or fake?

The lie should be totally separated, it is devil. And this is why the Lord is asking us to return to truth, the God.

look up not to the lord but to the sky, you will have your answer. It is that point where the sentence is both question and answer, the answer is the question or the answer reveals many other questions, and the question is the answer or reveals many other answer. Try to seek both truth and the false. Just seek. And it is the holy text that is both the question and the answer at the same time. while seeking devil will find you or you will but do not stop whatever you are seeking go till the end and get it whatever it is, but man is patience less , man will go with the devil, his or her own distraction.

O lord of all existences and non existences you are the result, the most merciful and forgiving. The lord is the result or will be the result of your seeking.

The holy texts says: lord created two humans man and woman and from them we are, yes the lord created two genders but not directly in human form, it was the struggle and nature (gods believer) played well and now we exists in the best form and we will evolve till the full stop, and the main reason will be greed, suspicious greed against humanity and we will evolve like that or according to nature.

creating man and women could have just been lords vision or it was a test of lord and this message, however came to humanity, and we the humans are innocent in some cases, that we started believing it, and god, from god everything has been created, god created rules, rules created the observable objects and then the objects like planet created nature, although nature is all we see and that exists. Nature created humans, humans created god in mind. It's a loop. think that who is beyond time or the loop is god. And now I understand that human brain is a loop but the loop ends when he/she seeks god, the peace. The loop ends when they think about god, or the lord is the loop?

The lord is everything, he holds everything that exists or not in his hand, so the lord can control, if he exists then he is the controller of our mind but not he is merciful and we are free to think.

The holy texts took me to a long travel that never ends, and gave me the power to think more and more.

The Holy Texts never ends, it is your beliefs that can end.

The Holy Texts is Continuous. The Lord's Thoughts in mind is too.
The Holy Texts is the way.

"Be Heaven, Be Peace."

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