The Lord, Who is?

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And they, the people says; where it end's?
Indeed people believe in the last day, and some believe the theories.
Was it the nothingness before us, the life?
Or does the man not know about the past and the future, I believe, but what is there or beyond the skies.
The Nothingness it's nothing and they say; where we will go?
Many holy texts says: And where you will go?
O life and humans, beyond the eternity the lord is.

The Lord who is beyond the gender, and the lord who is neither he nor she, but it is the language who mention the lord as he and she.
The lord and if the lord exist and many believe the lord is just our thoughts, but do you not think, where will we go? And the lord exists.
Whoever the lord is, the lord has the power of all and the lord is the owner of time and stars, the lord is the eternal truth. Whoever the lord is, the lord can create, control and destroy. If the lord exist. And the lord is the lord of all existences and non existences.

And if the lord has created everything then what will you deny?
The lord is infinite and beyond it.
And the holy texts says: Which, then, of your Lord's blessings do you both deny?
And if the lord doesn't exist, it is the nothingness and your brain can't process it, nothingness means nothing no colour, no darkness, no light and obviously no object. And if you can't process it, indeed it is the lord or truly the lord. The lord is beyond existence and non existences, the lord is the reason of my existence.

I am a believer but of whom?

The mystery, the sky, I want to see the end, but where? I see everything is a moving loop. Whatever we see is one, it ends in one, it also starts from that one but who is that one?

The Lord is nothing but the truth, that will never end.

The Lord is your thoughts or in your thoughts gives you pleasure, hope and peace.

Indeed, the lord is hope and peace.

Even if the Lord doesn't exist but hope and peace does.
Believe it or not, but I believe it is the truth.


"Be Heaven, Be Peace."

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