The Patience

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Indeed, the Lord (whoever is) the Lord is.

These are the pure Existence and I can't compare my existence to them.

It is the patience of the trees in nature.
Indeed, they are also the creation, they too have life.

The Trees:-

In creation the trees are the best teacher of peace.
See, how patience the trees are, how peaceful the trees are.
It doesn't care when the clouds will come, it doesn't speak up to the clouds when it will rain.

Even if the tree dies, it dies in peace and silence. No noise and no voice.
It dies standing and how the tree was born.

Look, how far the death is for the trees, hundred of years being at one place doesn't matter.

The trees are also faithful and praises the Lord with peace and by creating more peace.

Trees doesn't ask anything from us, Indeed, trees grants us.

And if the trees doesn't get that what it needs for its survival, it dies without telling us and without making us known.
And if the trees gets what it need, it survives in peace and creates more peace.

It is the humans who destroys the trees for their needs and when there is something going unusual in nature then the human blames God or pray to God that what was my sin?
Indeed the Lord (whoever is) has eyes on everywhere, but the Lord is merciful and the best forgiver.
Trees doesn't harm anyone, if you are toxic and you cut the trees down, the trees does nothing and it dies with peace. And the trees gives us precious air but when dies the air becomes cheaper.

Our nature is not toxic just because of the trees, but we cut them down and the environment becomes more harsh.

I pray to the Lord that the trees are the one and only who are as patience as the Lord, and the trees should go to the eternal peace and heaven before any life goes, it should reach there first of all.

The trees saw many good and bad days in creation and in life, still how kind the trees are to the peace.

Moral is be patient like the trees but the matter is that we are humans and we are full of reactions, for hunger and for desire or lust we had to break peace and have to. But I prefer still something we should learn from the trees, that is how to be in peace and how to create peace and there are many things to learn from the life of the trees.

Your patience is your wings like being in patience is being in peace and you fly with joy and then you feel your inner delight.

But man's desire and lust makes them patience less.

O life, do not think that the Lord (whoever is) is not patient, and this is why the Lord send death to us, It is not, the Lord is too patience as like the trees. The Lord (whoever is) is waiting for us to be in peace and call the peace upon them.

Patience is success. Many said and many will.

The story "Waiting for Lord" :-

There was a family and they have a son.

His parents were religious, they believed in God and their son too believed in God but one day he asked his parents "How does the Lord looks like?" Their parents said "He looks like....." But the boy didn't believed his parents as he was patient and started searching the Lord.

He only believed that first I will see God then I will believe that yes the God looks like this.

Seeking God he became his saint.

He tried many beliefs of finding God but couldn't.
He started being in peace, he started thinking.
He got the answer "There is God but in our thoughts, there is God, who is peace."

Again he became patient. If there is God out of my mind, I will wait till my concious and soul exist."

He became old, he died.
He got his reward for being patient and peace.
He got eternal peace.
He found again that the Lord is eternity, the peace.

Indeed patience give us success in life even in after life.

Moral is do not break your patience, but also do not be greedy of rewards. Be greedy of knowledge, be greedy of peace.

I too am patience but nothing I expect from this world, what creation gives, it expires but what the creator gives, it is infinite.

Souls are always patient for death and peace.
Because souls knows but do you see your soul, indeed you are the soul but in this life you have to unlock many more.

Be Patient.

"Be Heaven, Be Peace."

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