Love and Heaven

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I am unaware of love and heaven, I never been in love and heaven.

The story in another realm:-
(Love and Heaven)

Which world is this? I never been in this realm.
Let me wonder the whole sphere.
Full of flowers, fruits, grassy plains, narrow streams, narrow paths and peaceful weather. Is it the heaven?
In life, many said the heaven is full of angels and deities and God. But here it is still life, but only nature, how is it possible? There I see no animal, no man and woman, no birds and insects. It is just those plants.

How patient was the nature on Earth and still how patient is these nature, even in this unknown realm.

I just see me and peace and nature.
Is it the heaven and love? That the Lord (whoever is) granted me with?
Indeed, I loved peace and I got peace.

Love because the peace loves me.
Heaven because I was patient like nature, peaceful like nature.

Even if there are no deities and angels and God, I believe that God gifted me these eternal please. It seems I am floating, I wonder where are those laws of physics and universe.

I thought there will be nothingness, but the Lord saved my concious even after death and I see and feel this eternal pleasure.
Whatever I think and whatever I want, it comes to me in this world.

Indeed, there is nothingness and some infinite power, I still praise the Lord with peace and love.

Still the Lord doesn't meet me?
My Lord whoever you are, where you are? "The same question I asked on being in Earth."
And still I believe, peace is Lord.
Peace is with me.

(In my mind the Lord says; My peace, I have no face like you, I have no body like you, I have no voice like you, the only thing I have is you. Indeed, I am peace, and I am everywhere.
I said; O Lord, you are the creator, indeed you can create yourself in any form.
Then the Lord says; I am you, I am peace, I am nature and I am nothing.

Wait! I thought the Lord has no voice, yes! my mind has no voice but I can understand what the Lord says.)

I am wondering and walking in hope that if I found someone. I am not even tired not even hungry, but I feel to eat something, and I asked to my Lord, I got whatever I wanted.

But the thing is still I didn't got anyone like me. Again I asked the Lord, and I got to see village.

This village has no grief, just happiness, love and devotion.

O my Lord, is this Love? You, indeed, gave me peace and hope in Earth, even in this unknown realm after death.

I cried in the tears of devotion, love and happiness.
The voice appeared in real.
I feel it is the Lord, let it be whoever but it is peaceful.
And the Lord says; "My peace, you loved me with patience, love and creating more peace around, then why should I leave you like this.
We are in nothingness but you have concious and this is why you can see and feel this realm. Here only my rules work, physics is no more, everything was destroyed. Indeed I was always there and everywhere, I saw and heard everything and and still I am here and everywhere and still I see and hear everything. I am the past, present and the future at once, I am beyond time. But your mind is my best home.
I am you, I am everyone, I am heaven, I am peace, I am your concious, I am love and everything that exists or doesn't exists. I am always with you as peace."

My eyes wear filled with pleasure full tears. I do not care who was there in life with me, because I knew no one is made for no one but peace is made for everyone. I do not miss anyone, but still I pray for everyone, in peace, with peace.

This is Love and Heaven.
Indeed love is peace, heaven too.

I love this eternity, I love this peace.
And yet it never ends.

But this life on Earth is full of pain.
I hope after death, I will still be in peace like my thoughts and story of Love and Heaven.

Indeed the Lord (whoever is) is the most merciful and the most forgiving.

O believers, O life, Love peace to get peace in life and afterlife, in existence and in nothingness.

Emotions are the real hell.

We are existing and will exist, but change will be there, in you or in your surroundings.

Be like those men and women, who came with the message of the Lord.
Somehow they also loved peace.

Let your death also come with peace.
Write your future with peace.

"Be Heaven, Be Peace."

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