The city

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When the hues appeared, with the order of the Lord.
All the creations came up with their concious.
The Earth began it's process of life.
The humans got the best form.

In the city of man, they all were in their own created concious.
Some were joyful with their life, some accepted the sacrifice of their time and energy to get joy.
Some were in hope of someone.

It is the city of slaves.

The people always are under of some suppressors.
The people are addictive to what they get from the city. It is the city where no one questions. Are you afraid of war and violence? Why even? Nothing to be afraid of, why to create war and violence? be peace.

It is the city of slaves.
The childrens are sent to schools for their welfare and good future and here it is, where people never taught a children to ask questions, they never thaught what is the values of good morals, how they will? even they are the breaker of peace. And the good future is never created by doing bad to someone, by only thinking of own, by being selfish, by not knowing the truth behind society.
When they will ask questions, whatever it is, then only they will understand the matter, the lie that covers the real truth.

(My message is; from early age we should grow our offsprings with best manners and good moralities, se should teach the truth, not the lie.
How even, we do not know it.
But seeking will lead you to know it. Be peace.)

Why the rulers do not want to see someone grow good and pure?
Indeed it is for their own benefits.

O people of peace.

Why do you pay no heed?

It is the city of slaves, where people are like I will never get anything.
So, today, I want everything. Where did you kept your patience?
Here today doesn't mean just today but in life.
Why people always creates something harmful for their own profit and entertainment, why people like the things that is harming them only.

O people of peace.

And why do you pay no heed?

It is the city of slaves, where people are tied to do crimes.
Where people do not even know the real thoughts of truth.

O people of peace.

And why do you pay no heed?

It is the city of slaves, where nothing remains forever (many said and many will)

And still why do you pay no heed?

Where people are taught to earn more and more, whatever the process is doesn't matter but if you do not earn love and kindness by doing it, that what is the cost of your those earnings?

And why do you pay no heed?

It is the city of slaves, where you will just find hate and hate.
Just to love some we hate some.
It is the spark of violence.

And why do you pay no heed?

It is the city of slaves where nothing is known to you about the real truth.
And you are anonymous to truth.
And you never know what it is.

And why do you pay no heed?

It is the city of slaves where everyone is a slave of lie.

Just lie and lie.

Where is the truth?

Make it the city of freedom, of just truth and eternal joy, the peace.

Still if you pay no heed, it remains the city of slaves where no one is the ruler but suppressor of each other.


Has the Lord's words not reached you yet?

Said the pure souls: O people of peace, why you are loosing yourself in lie?

Repent to the kindness of deep heart, even if it is too late but the is never late to reach you.

In lie, in pain, still do you not see the sufferings of others, will be never late to come to you.

Before it is late bow your life to kindness and goodness and peace.

How merciful is the Lord.
With the blessings today you are the best civilization.
No time will take to destroy it, and still you think you are superior?

(Nowadays, in which era I am living in, I see even the good has some part of evil)

If you do not believe or do good today, and even however you try to save yourself and your society and your people, with hate to anykind, and it will be destroyed. Hate is the destroyer.

Pay some heed to the golden words, even not mine than just pay to someone who also has good golden words.

But...... paying no heed, today, is your duty, maybe you will ignore today.
But when some of my words will be going true, then you'll come to pay attention and even if not, the destruction goes on, the destroyer, the hate never cares you.


Today our city is full of wrong, I am talking about every single thing that is very harmful to peace.

I am saying pay heed.
Nothing will happen if just I pay heed, you too have to pay heed.

O people of peace.

And the holy texts says; Why do you pay no heed?

"Be Heaven, Be Peace."

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