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[King's Landing - Red Keep, Morgana's Chambers]

Princess Morgana Baratheon sat in her chambers within the towering walls of Red Keep, staring at the ornate wooden table before her. She had heard the whispers for dais now - rumours of her sister-in-law, Margaery Tyrell, committing adultery with multiple men within the castle walls. The thought made her blood boil with anger and betrayal. How could anyone suggest that her brother's young bride would dishonour their family like this?

Morgana knew that such tales could not be true, for Margaery was no fool. She was cunning and clever, alwys aware of the dangers that surrounded her in the treacherous world of the Seven Kingdoms. No, these whispers must have originated from someone closer to home - perhaps even her own mother, the Queen Regent Cersei.

Her mother, Queen Cersei, had alwys been one to stoke the flames of gossip and intrigue, often using such tactics to further her own agenda. And who else but Cersei's loyal servants would spread such vile lies?

Cersei had nevr hidden her distaste for Margaery, viewing her as nothing more than a pawn in her game of power and manipulation, loathing her for the control she possessed over her son, Cersei's last remaining son. It would not surprise Morgana if her mother had spread such vile rumors to tarnish Margaery's name and weaken her position within the royal family.

But Morgana knew better than to believe such baseless allegations without proof. Margaery may have been alone and vulnerable, but she was far from stupid. She had already proven herself to be a skilled player in the Game of Thrones, outmaneuvering many of the seasoned lords and ladies who sought to bring her down.

Just then, a knock came at the door. "Enter," Morgana called out, her voice firm and commanding. One of her handmaidens, a timid girl named Elara, entered with a look of fear on her face. "My lady, I have something important to tell you."

"What is it?" Morgana asked, her heart racing.

"It's about...about Margaery, my lady. I overheard two of the queen's guards talking in the corridor. They said...they said they saw her, umm, with another man, in one of the castle's secret passages." Elara hesitated, looking down at her feet.

Morgana felt like she had been punched in the gut. No, this couldn't be true, she thought desperately. But deep down, she knew that she couldn't ignore the evidence any longer. Margaery, once a sweet and kind girl, had changed since her marriage to King Tommen. She had grown more confident, more cunning, almost as if she was playing a role. And now, these new allegations only added fuel to Morgana's suspicions.

"Thank you for telling me, Elara," Morgana said, trying to keep her composure. "I will speak with Margaery myself and get to the bottom of this."

Determined to get to the bottom of the matter, Morgana summoned Margaery to her chambers, despite the warning bells ringing in her head. As the door opened, and Margaery entered, Morgana could feel the tension between them like a palpable force.

"My dear sister," Margaery said, her voice dripping with honey and venom. "I hear you have called me here today to discuss some...unpleasantness."

"Indeed I have," Morgana replied, her voice firm but controlled. "There have been rumors circulating about your conduct, my dear sister. Rumors of infidelity and treason. Do they have any truth to them?"

Margaery laughed, a cold, mirthless sound. "Where did you hear such nonsense? From your dear mother, no doubt?"

Morgana felt a flash of anger at the mention of Cersei, but she kept her composure. "No, not from my mother. From reliable sources within the castle walls."

Margaery raised an eyebrow. "And what makes you think these sources are trustworthy?"

"That is not the point," Morgana snapped. "The point is, do the rumors have any truth to them?"

Margaery sighed, her expression softening ever so slightly. "My dear sister, I assure you, there is nothing going on between me and anyone else in this castle. My heart belongs to your brother, King Tommen, and only him."

Morgana studied Margaery's face, searching for any sign of deception. But all she saw was sincerity, and something else - a glimmer of sadness, perhaps even desperation.

"Very well," Morgana said finally, rising from her seat. "I will believe you, for now. But if any further allegations arise, we shall revisit this conversation, do you understand?"

Margaery nodded, her lips pressed into a thin line. "I understand, my sister."

Just then, there was a knock at the door. It was the handmaiden, bearing a message from the High Sparrow. He requested Margaery's presence before him.

Morgana's grip on her emotions tightened. The High Sparrow was not one to be trifled with, and his requests were never made lightly. She knew that whatever he wanted, it would not be good.

Margaery's face paled slightly, but she maintained her composure. "I will go," she said, her voice steady. "I have nothing to hide."

Without another word, Morgana turned to Margaery, who stood frozen in fear, and nodded curtly. Together, they followed the handmaiden out of the chamber and into the bustling streets of King's Landing.

The young queen arrived alongside her sister-by-law, her heart pounding in her chest, as she was escorted by a contingent of guards. She had heard whispers of the High Sparrow's reputation for ruthlessness and knew that she needed to tread carefully if she wanted to leave this meeting unscathed.

As they entered the chambers of the High Sparrow, Margaery saw Cersei Lannister seated on a throne-like chair, her regal bearing unyielding despite the tension in the air. The Queen Regent's eyes narrowed as Margaery approached, her gaze lingering on the younger woman's attire - a simple yet elegant gown of silk and velvet, its colors muted but for the flash of rubies at her throat.

"So, you are here," Cersei said coolly, her voice dripping with disdain. "I trust your visit has something to do with the recent... allegations."

High Sparrow cleared his throat before speaking, his words measured and precise. "Queen Margaery Tyrell, it has been brought to my attention that you have been engaging in acts of infidelity against your husband, King Tommen. What say you to these claims?"

Margaery felt a cold sweat prickle down her spine as she met the High Sparrow's piercing gaze. She knew that denying such accusations would only make them worse, so instead, she adopted a placatory tone. "My lord High Sparrow, I assure you that any such notions are nothing more than vile rumors concocted by my enemies. I am a faithful wife to King Tommen, and I will not stand idly by while my honour is besmirched."

Cersei snorted derisively. "Save us from your acting skills, Margaery. You think we are all fools? Your little playacting does you no credit."

The High Sparrow leaned forward, his fingers steepled together. "I must inform you both that these allegations will be thoroughly investigated. Until then, Lady Margaery, you shall remain under arrest."

Margaery gasped, outrage and fear warring for dominance on her features. "Under arrest? I am the Queen of the Seven Kingdoms!"

But the High Sparrow held firm. "Your station means nothing here, Margaery. You will be kept in comfortable quarters until we determine the truth behind these allegations. Guards, take her away."

As two burly men stepped forward to escort her from the room, Margaery shot one last defiant look at Cersei before being led away. She could feel the weight of the High Sparrow's judgment upon her, and she knew that her life would nevr be the same again.

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