Chapter 8

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Darkpaw padded along the other cats as he talked with Shrewleaf.
"Remember Darkpaw the truce last as long as the moon is in the sky. And don't say too much that might reveal secrets."

Darkpaw nodded as he looked at woodpaw talking with morningheart. The deputy had been very helpful with all the apprentices and made sure that every task was done.

Darkpaw walked ahead and nudged Applepaw. "Do you think riverclan will be hostile?" Applepaw shrugged."I doubt it they are known to not cause any problem other than just stealing prey every now and then."

Darkpaw sighed and looked at the trunk. "Do we have to climb that?" Yellowfoot walked onto the stump. "Woodpaw, stay beside me." Woodpaw nodded and climbed the stump as well.

Shrewleaf then followed and motioned Applepaw to follow. Maplenose then followed since toadpool didn't feel well enough to come. Morningheart then followed,  and finally, Darkpaw and Lionstar followed close by.

Windclan was already there chatting away. Darkpaw went and sat next to a grey tom. The windclan apprentice was small, but determination can be smelled on him.

The windclan apprentice looked at darkpaw and spoke. "Hi, the names greypaw. What about you?" Darkpaw looked at the apprentice and smiled."Darkpaw."

The windclan apprentice nodded and looked ahead. "That warrior over there is my brother stoneheart. He became a warrior at 10 moons." Darkpaw looked at the warrior.

Stoneheart had grey fur similar to his brother but was built like a true warrior. He was quite small. The size of an apprentice. "Why did he become a warrior so young?"

Greypaw looked at darkpaw with admiration. "When he was only 7 moons, he fought a fox by himself." Darkpaw was confused."Why wasn't he a warrior then." Greypaw still had admiration.

"Well, our leader rabbitstar wanted to make him a warrior then, but he knew stoneheart was too young and had no training. So he waited a few moons and made him a warrior."

Darkpaw looked at stoneheart with jealousy but was interrupted when ThunderClan and riverclan arrived. The leader of windclan yowled for the meeting to begin.

Every clan was silent as they listened. Rabbitstar was first. "Windclan is proud to say a new litter of kits were born and prey is running well. However, windclan has a new warrior."

The clans were confused since no apprentice was old enough. Rabbitstar then continued. "Stoneheart has become a warrior."

The clans cheered for stoneheart, but some were confused since stoneheart was young. Stormstar went next. "Prey is running well, and two new litters were born. But we found two of our apprentices murdered.

Every clan was quiet, and some whispered to each other. Stormstar lowered his head to signal fishstar to go next. "Riverclan has been doing ok, no new warriors or kits, but riverclan is thriving."

Lionstar spoke next. "ShadowClan is alright. A new litter was born, and we have apprentices almost close to being warriors. We've also recovered from the recent attack from riverclan."

All the cats started to yowl as riverclan sat in silence. Lionstar continued. "Riverclan has been more hostile since fishstar got his nine lives. I don't know what's going on, but attacking a clan and attempting to harm kits without a reason is unjustified."

Fishstar stood up. "Riverclan had the right to do so. We caught ShadowClan scent near our territory."

ShadowClan was angry for being accused. "My warriors haven't been near your territory for moons." Lionstar seemed upset. Fishstar scoffed and told his warriors the gathering was over.

Riverclan left, leaving windclan, ThunderClan, and ShadowClan alone. Greypaw stood up and went to talk with his brother. Darkpaw looked to see his clan leaving.

Darkpaw caught up to them and fell behind to talk with Applepaw. "What so you think happened to those ThunderClan apprentices?" Darkpaw mewed

Applepaw padded along quickly. "Their names were briarpaw and birchpaw, and they helped me collect moss once." Darkpaw looked at Applepaw upset since he accepted the help of another clan.

They arrived at camp surrounded by questions. Lionstar climbed onto the pinebranch and called for a meeting. "Cats of ShadowClan today we have decided to attack riverclan." The clan yowled in agreement, but a few were unsure.

"I want Shrewleaf, darkpaw Raccoonpaw, blackpelt, bonefur, Firefoot, and Lonesoul to assist in the raid." Morningheart, you will lead it and maplenose. Make sure you have plenty of herbs."

Both she cats nodded as they went to do their task. Darkpaw went to his nest to before the battle. Darkpaw fell asleep instantly. He woke up in an unfamiliar place and felt unsafe.

Was this starclan? Darkpaw walked a bit and saw a dark red warrior battling a pinkish grey she cat. The red warrior was extremely nimble and made swift bites on the other.

Darkpaw watched until he saw both cats look at him. "Look bloodstream a new apprentice for us." The dark red she cat quickly ran into Darkpaw. "He has great strength but lacks the ability to use it."

Darkpaw got up and saw both warriors were a lot bigger him him.
"Well, daydream who should train him?" Bloodstream mew sounded like a growl.

"Well, I already have that ThunderClan apprentice." Daydream groomed her fur as she spoke. "It might be better if you take him as your apprentice."

Bloodstream sighed and beckoned Darkpaw to follow her. They padded side by side for a while. "Where am i?" Darkpaw mewed

"Welcome to the dark forest Darkpaw. This is where cats like me go after we die." Darkpaw looked around and stopped.

"Why are you here?" Bloodstream stopped and spoke. "It's because of something I did in the past. Now, let's begin."

Darkpaw paused and saw Bloodstream rush towards him with thorn sharp claws. She tore off fur from his pelt and bit his scruff.
Darkpaw desperately tried to kick her off, but she was heavy.

Bloodstream got off eventually and stalked off. "Come back when you're trained better and have more skill." Darkpaw growled as the she cat left.

Darkpaw woke up and saw some of his fur was missing, and his scruff was sore. He quickly licked off the blood and left the den.
Lionstar was waiting nearby.

"Cats that are a part of the raid. Head on over to riverclan territory."

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