Chapter 9

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Darkpaw ran beside the deputy as he smelled the camp nearby. Firefoot went ahead to see if anyone was there but confirmed no one was there.

The raid party kept walking until the smell of riverclan overwhelmed Darkpaw. The ShadowClan cats went to different areas. Darkpaw went to the apprentice den.

He crouched beside a grey tabby and waited for the signal. Morningheart let out a loud yowl as darkpaw digged his teeth into the apprentices scruff.

The apprentice flayed underneath darkpaw as she tried to scratch his underbelly. Darkpaw felt the apprentice go limp as he excited the den with pride.

He felt a sharp stab on his side as he saw two apprentices attacking him. "You killed Starpaw, you freak!" Darkpaw looked at the apprentice that said that and stared at them with fury.

He launched himself at the apprentice and smiled as he saw blood flow from their wound. The second apprentice grabbed darkpaw by the scruff and threw him off.

"Stay off moonpaw, you freak." Darkpaw ran out of the camp and smelled the nursery. He crawled into the nursery to see three kits without their mother, probably out fighting.

Darkpaw padded towards the nest and grabbed a kit. He then left the nursery out back and placed the kit by the river. The kit cried, knowing it couldn't swim.

Darkpaw went back and got another kit and placed it beside the other. He watched as both kits battled against the water. What was this feeling? The feeling felt exciting to darkpaw as he left the kits to drown.

He saw ShadowClan warriors retreating as Morningheart called upon the last of them. "ShadowClan retreat!" Darkpaw ran out the camp as he followed the patrol quickly.

They arrived at camp with cheers. The raid was successful. Lionstar padded towards Morningheart with pride. "Cats of ShadowClan today we have had a victory we could never forget. "

Darkpaw watched as the memory of drowning kits filled his head.
It felt wrong, but he had to do it. Maybe he was going insane.

The warrior's went to their den chatting about the victory while Darkpaw fell into a sleep into his warm nest. He woke up to see the dark forest again

He walked around before seeing a familiar pelt. The dark tabby stared at daydream as she demonstrated a move. "Oh well, if it isn't Darkpaw. Just in time."

Deerpaw looked at darkpaw his amber gaze sent shivers down darkpaw's spine. "Darkpaw? Are you the new apprentice Bloodstream was talking about?"

Darkpaw looked at the dark tabby as he recognized the pelt and amber gaze. Was it possible he was the decedent of tigerstar? Darkpaw shook his head.

"Yes, I'm the new apprentice, and where is bloodstream?" Daydream had her blue gaze set on the forest. "She's training." Darkpaw nodded and sat beside deerpaw.

"Now we will have a mock battle. Deerpaw, you will battle Darkpaw so we can see your training." Deerpaw nodded and padded over to the other side.

Darkpaw felt his hackles raise as he watched deerpaw unsheathe his claws. Deerpaw ran towards Darkpaw and swiped across his muzzle.

Darkpaw screeched in pain but quickly recovered as deerpaw reared back for another attack. Darkpaw grabbed deerpaw's paw as he swiped it and bit it until he felt the fur and skin split.

Darkpaw reared back and jumped on deerpaw's back and bit onto his scruff. Daydream grabbed darkpaw and growled. "We don't kill!"

Darkpaw growled as he saw deerpaw's tail lash. Daydream padded off. "You two better wake up before your clan finds out." Darkpaw felt his sister nudging him awake.

"Darkpaw, let's go. we're about to sit vigil for toadpool." Beetlepaw had sadness in her eyes as her paws nudged darkpaw. Darkpaw got up and padded towards the clearing to see toadpool.

Darkpaw nodded in respect for the medicine cat and watched maplenose pad herbs into his fur. Darkpaw sat next to Raccoonpaw.

"He died because of the early greencough symptoms. He choked on his own blood." Darkpaw licked his brothers fur and watched Vineflight cough.

Was greencough gonna kill him as well? Darkpaw looked at the sky. 'Starclan, please let him be safe in your hunting grounds.' Darkpaw went to his nest.

He closed his eyes and woke up in an unfamiliar place. It smelled strongly of ThunderClan. He looked and saw a silver cat that had two kits.

He looked at the silver cats face to see blurs. She had a strong, sweet scent. 'Thunder will strike the shadow warrior as he makes a choice with loyalty.'

Darkpaw woke up and watched the elders take toadpool away from his nest. He got up and went to the nursery to see wolfkit and Lemurkit bitting Hazelflower's tail.

The poor queen has been feeding four kits. Icekit, petalkit, wolfkit, and Lemurkit. No other queens were there, so with sympathy, many of the apprentices bought her prey first and made sure it was plump.

Leafbare was coming, and Lionstar had 4 lives. Would he lose them? Darkpaw walked before leaving the camp. He saw Raccoonpaw and Beetlepaw passing by with a frog and lizard.

He walked until he saw he was at the ThunderClan border. He sniffed for a scent. He looked quickly at a bush and smelled ThunderClan. Tigerpaw leaped at him.

"Oh, sorry, I thought you were a mouse." Darkpaw hissed and saw amusement shine in her eyes. Tigerpaw then got off him and groomed herself.

"Anyways, have you seen hawkclaw?" Darkpaw remembered the tabby warrior but was confused. Darkpaw looked at Tigerpaw. "Look, hawkclaw has been disappearing for a while, and he comes back with prey. But he always comes back with a groomed pelt like he's trying to hide a scent."

Darkpaw paused and looked around. "I may have scented a ThunderClan cat nearby, but I never knew if it was him or not."

Tigerpaw sighed. "Well, if you see him, tell him to stay away." Darkpaw nodded and said goodbye to Tigerpaw before walking back to the camp.

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