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Ever since Violet Edwards could remember she loved the beach, she loved coming to Cousins with her family. Every year the Edwards family would stay with the Richardson's, they had their two daughter Nichole and Clara. The three girls were like sisters.

Carter on the other hand hung out with Conrad and Jeremiah whenever they came over for summer. Conrad Fisher played on the same Football team as Carter, and from there he was able to meet Violet.

Conrad Fisher had loved Violet Edwards before he even knew what love was. He wanted to protect her and keep her safe from everything. Conrad scared off all the boys, not that Violet was interested in any of the boys anyway.

She was too focused on softball and volleyball to care about boys, but she would be lying if she said she didn't have a crush on the older Fisher. She never made a move because she thought he saw her as a friend.

Jeremiah was tired of his brother and his best friend constantly flirting so one night at the bonfire he pushed Conrad into Violet causing the drink to spill all over her shirt.

Conrad spent the next 10 minutes trying to make up for it, to get him to stop talking, Violet had told Conrad if he took her on a date that all would be forgotten and forgiven. Conrad agreed with a smile on his face.

Soon one date turned into two, then to three, and then they started dating.

Susannah adored Violet she loved her like a daughter. Violet's and Carter's mother passed away when she got run into by a drunk driver. To Violet and Carter, Susannah was their second mom, she called them every day and came to all over the kid's sports games.

She loved the Edwards family like her own, it was her other half.


The Conklins family loved the Edwards family. The Edwards, Fisher's and Conklin's family vacations were legendary. All the kids got along, sadly Carter and Leon couldn't come this year with Carter's plan on going to football camp that Conrad had dropped out of.

Laurel loved the Edwards family. Steven and Carter got along, they played their video games together and talked about going off to college because they were convinced that they were the smartest out of the group.

However, Isabel hated Violet Edwards. In Isabel's mind, she was the one made for Conrad, not Violet. Isabel never knew that they were dating as Violet was so focused on the deb ball last year that Conrad had taken her too, and the year before that she stayed at the Richardson's.

Isabel was in the dark that her beloved was with someone else that wasn't her. She didn't take it lightly. She thought that Violet was spoiled and had everything, she believed that Violet made it her goal to take everything from her.

She took Conrad. She took Susannah. She took her position as the favourite child role. She wanted Violet gone.


However, Isabel would never get her way. Anyone could see that Violet and Conrad were hopelessly in love. Clara Richardson and Nichole Richardson were the couple's number one supporters and would do anything to keep the couple together.

Clara and Nichole loved Violet like sisters. Clara was Violet's pitcher, the two planned to go play at Stanford together and as of now, they were getting their way with what they wanted. The two of them in the fall figured out that they would be getting full rides to Stanford.

Nichole would come to all their games and sit with the Edwards family and the Fishers, supporting both of the girls. When Nichole was off cheering for the football team, Clara and Violet would cheer her on, along with Conrad and Carter but they mainly went for Nichole.

Clara and Nichole were never big fans of Isabel they thought that she was controlling and she thought she could do no wrong. They didn't like that about the girl. Along with the fact that all of Cousins knew that she had a giant crush on Conrad.




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