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September 18

The summer was over and moving into the school year. However this year was different, Violet, Carter, Nicole and Clara were all attending Stanford. Leon bought the twins a house that way they didn't need to stay on campus and so they could have their own space.

Clara and Nicole stayed on campus but visited often as the house was two minutes away from the school, something the kids were very happy about.

Carter had just finished his first football game as a wide receiver as the team won. Everyone came down to visit and celebrate the first game for Carter. The plan was to do the same thing for Violet once her softball season started to play.

The family's were all sitting in the back yard as Leon barbecued some food for everyone. Everyone was socializing and was feeling happy. Susannahs cancer treatment had seemed to be working well and as of now she looked like she would make a recovery.

Conrad held onto Violet with a smile on his face as he listened to Carter talk about Stanford and about the football game. Everything was starting to feel normal once again.

A red head then walked through the door holding cookies in her head. Carter got up from his seat and ran over to the girl, picking her up and smiling kissing her lips happily. "Guys, this is my girlfriend Emily. She is on Violets softball team."

Everyone smiled and waved at the new girl but Isabel stayed on her phone texting away without a care in the world. It wasn't her idea to come, she wanted to stay back home and train for Volleyball as that was the only way she would get somewhere good for school.

The parents smiled as the girls started to talk about the school and softball together, as the boys were talking about school and everything else that seemed to be going on in there lives.

"Belly, why don't you go talk to the girls? Put your phone down." Laurel said as she looked at her youngest kid who wouldn't give up her phone. She rolled her eyes, taking the phone from her daughter. "Go talk to the girls, you can talk to Adam later."

Isabel scoffed and moved to go sit beside Emily as she realized that Violet and the Richardson girls still weren't the biggest fan of her. Emily scooted away to sit closer to Clara as she knew what Isabel had done to the oldest Edward.

"So, Isabel, who is this Adam that your mom was talking about?" Amelia asked as she sat on beside her sister. The youngest Edward was still not over the summer and was going to make sure that Isabel knew it.

Isabel shrugged her shoulders, "Just some guy I met at Volleyball camp. I don't know, he is nice and I am just trying to see where it goes." She explained, out of the corner of her eye she saw Emily roll her eyes not believing a word the girl had said.

"So..." The girls sat in silence as the warmth of the girls seemed to be sucked out as soon as Isabel sat down with the girls.


The dinner was finally done and the teens made there was to watch a movie, while Isabel sat on the couch staring at the couples. Conrad had sat Violet down on his lap and wasn't even watching the movie, he was just watching her laugh and the faces she made at the TV.

Emilys head was laying down on Carters lap as he played with her hair. Emily was just enjoying the touch of her boyfriend as his hands ran through her hair. It was relaxing. Carter smiled down at his girlfriend.

Jeremiah sat beside Clara as the two didn't even seem interested in the movie, they just wanted to catch up. Jeremiah was telling Clara about how he started talking to a girl named Amber, someone that he met through Violet at one of Amelias MMA matches.

Nichole was sitting with Amelia as she told the older girl all about the gossip that was happening at her school and all the drama. Nicole sat there shocked not believe what the 12 year old was telling her. She laughed the whole way through.

Isabel rolled her eyes as she looked back down at her phone, texting Adam again. She liked Adam, she really did but at the same time she couldn't help compare him to Conrad. In a way he even looked like Conrad and maybe that was what drew her to him.

Because at the end of the day her heart would always belong to Conrad Fisher.


It was finally time for everyone to go back home, hugs were given as Violet said one last goodbye to Conrad before he got on the plane to go back home.

"I love you Sunny!"

"I love you too Connie!"


This is the end of season one, season two will come out slowly but it is happening. There will be three new characters coming into the story.

If any questions comment :)

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