1. Little Love

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Vaera Targaryen was the tiniest baby Viserys had ever seen, he thought he would squish her when he held her. But she was so content in her fathers arms. Aemma smiled back at them. Viserys had been so worried when Rhaenyra was born, everything was so new. Rhaenyra screamed, Viserys thought she was dying, Rhaenyra made a look of pain when she was taking a shit, Viserys rushed her to the maesters.

They had it down now. At least Aemma had thought so.

"Is she supposed to be this little?" Viserys questioned.

"Shes a baby, Viserys."

"Rhaenyra wasnt this little." Viserys corrected.

"She's barely a week old, she will get bigger." Aemma assured. "Now give me back my baby girl." She requested. Viserys gently passed off Vaera when Rhaenyra came in.

"Boring." Rhaenyra decided.

"This is your baby sister." Viserys corrected.

"She doesnt do anything!" Rhaenyra demanded. WHen she was told that she was getting a sister, she thought her sister would be fun, and play right away, not take forever to get here and be super duper tiny when she arrived. Rhaenyra was disappointed.

Although viserys was sure that when his own younger brother daemon was born he wasnt so excited either. His parent's attention had shifted to the baby but viserys was going to make sure rhaenyra wasnt left out. He turned back around to her but she had already marched off with all the dignity a four year could muster.

Viserys turned back to vaera kissing her little face. Her eyes so violet stared up at him. She was perfect. Absolutely perfect.

Viserys realized with each passing night that his perfect vaera didnt like sleeping. She woke them up begging for food. Wailing for milk. Aemma was so tried. She yawned stretching out over the bed as viserys picked up vaera. Her cries silenced as she snuggled into viserys slapping at his bare chest.

"Wrong tits my little love." Viserys corrected passing her off to Aemma. Vaera was silent for about half an hour before she decided she was hungry again.

"Perfect angel huh?" Aemma questioned.

Viserys stared down at vaera. She seemed to smile already knowing she was wrapping around his little finger.

🍪🍪The faceclaims of Vaera
through the ages. 🍪🍪

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