15. Grumbling for Cookies

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Love can kill /Sandor Clegane out now!

"Who is she with?" Vaera questioned. 

"I dont know princess." Harwin answered. 

"Laela, who is Rhaenyra with?" Vaera questioned again. 

"I dont know, Princess." Laela agreed. "Come on, focus, you know Calypso is almost large enough to ride." That got vaeras attention. 

"Wouldnt it be gran for my sixth name day if i could fly!" Vaera declared. 

"It would be." Laela agreed. "I have admired flying myself. 

"Then we should fly together! Oh but Caly isnt big enough yet... when she is bigger." Vaera promised. 

"You are too sweet, my dear girl." Laela declared fondly. 

"So I have been told." Vaera agreed. 

"Stop worrying about your sister." Laela suggested seeing Vaera's gaze shift again. "Lets work on making sure you are ready when you get the chance to fly."

Alicent fucking Hightower. That bitch in green. Vaera followed Rhaenyra and Alicent and they did everything together, they studied together, they had tea together, they walked together, everything! Everything Vaera wanted from her sister this stranger got so easily. 

Vaera dropped her tea cup down on the saucer more aggressively than usual and Rhaenyra glanced up from her own tea. 

"What's wrong?" Rhaenyra questioned. 

"Wrong? nothing." Vaera muttered. Rhaenyra sighed leaning back in her chair. 

"Spill it dork."

"It doesnt even matter-" Correction it mattered a lot. "You have replaced me." Vaera hissed crossing her arms over her chest. 

"What are you talking about?" Rhaenyra countered. 

"Alicent, that girl that you have been spending all your time with, Ring any bells?" Vaera demanded. 

"She's my friend, I told you I had a new friend." Rhaenyra didnt see what the big deal was. 

"You spend all your time with her!" Vaera declared. 


"AND!" Vaera huffed out a breath, she picked up a cookie and took an aggressive bite, crumbs spilling from her mouth. 

"I am here for our tea party." Rhaenyra reminded her. 

"Under duress!"  

"More like coercion." Rhaenyra corrected. 

"You know what I mean!" Vaera whined. 

"When Calypso is big enough we will ride together too, just you and me." Rhaenyra assured. "Every day if you want." Vaera choked on her cookie and coughed it up. 

"Everyday?" Vaera questioned drinking some water to clear her throat. Rhaenyra knew she was going to regret this. 

"Every damn day."

For Vaera's sixth name day, Viserys gifted Vaera a saddle for Calypso, Laela had helped put it on her so she was ready to ride first thing in the morning. 

Of course Aemma and Viserys were worried, Daemon had stopped by and promised to keep an eye on Vaera in the skies. Vaera really wanted Rhaenyra to go with them. 

Vaera was extremely nervous and yet also ecstatic. 

Vaera was a dragon herself and she was meant to fly. 

"You will do great." Rhaenyra assured. Vaera nodded as she climbed onto Calypso's back. She stroked her scales and gripped the reigns. 

"HOld on tight, you remember your commands?" Laela questioned. 

"Sovengone!" Vaera declared and Calypso took off, Daemon and Rhaenyra took off after her. 

"We let our baby into the sky, with the only supervision from her troublemaker uncle and her sister whom has tried to have Vaera accidentally killed twice that we know of." Aemma realized in horror as they stared at the sky. "We are terrible parents."

"Daemon wouldnt let anything happen to Vaera. Besides Rhaenyra has been flying for a little bit over two years now." Viserys assured. "Everything will be fine."

Vaera never wanted to come down. She loved being in the air. She laughed out reaching up for the clouds. Calypso had been flying but not with Vaera and not this high. 

"Every day Nyra!" Vaera shouted over to her. 

"Can't hear you!" Rhaenyra countered with a smirk. 

"I SAID!" Vaera shouted. "EVERY DAY! NYRA!" 

"Oh, right..." Rhaenyra teased. 

"Where will we fly? I have so many ideas already!"

Daemon was surprised Vaera lasted as long as she did before she claimed her stomach was grumbling for some cookies and she needed to get down. When she landed she was greeted to hugs from her parents and promptly demanded, 'where are the cookies?'

"Did you have fun?" Aemma questioned. 

"So much fun!" Vaera agreed as she shoveled cookies into her mouth. "So much fun! I'm going to go flying with Nyra every day! She said so!" 

"Thats wonderful." Viserys agreed. 

"More cookies!" 

Cookie Monster / Vaera Targaryen / HOTDWhere stories live. Discover now