20. Measure

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"Ouch. Ouch! Owwwwweeee!" Vaera whined. Harwin chuckled. "You were supposed to help me not stand there and laugh at my pain". She demanded stomping a foot down on the ground.

"I'm so sorry you're just so cute when you're upset at your needlepoint." Harwin corrected. 

"I am not." Vaera objected 

"You clearly have not looked in the mirror lately, princess.''   He answered.

"Are you calling me cute?" Vaera pouted up at him. Big violet eyes stared back at him.

"You, princess are adorable," he agreed

"But I'm mad." She wiped the smile off her face. 

"At your needlepoint." Harwin agreed. 

"I keep hurting my fingers and you are supposed to protect me from pain." 

"I dont know that, that is accurate when it comes to your needlework." Harwin countered. 

"Why? The needle is hurting me and you are laughing." 

"You my little love are hurting yourself with the needle, do I protect yu from yourself?"

"What?" Vaera questioned moving to him. 

"What did I say?" Harwin countered touching her cheek as she hugged him. 

"My little love." She whispered still holding close to him. 

It was very unprofessional of him but she was so sweet, she had quickly become his friend and his responsibility. But as she grew it became a bond, like she was his little sister he supposed. 

"And yes, you have to protect me from myself sometimes, like when I eat too many veggies and get a tummy ache." She added. Harwin chuckled picking her up, she leaned into his shoulder. 

"It's the veggies? Not the cookies?" Harwin pondered. 

"Never! Blasphemy!" Vaera shouted. Harwin smiled tickling her ribs, she curved into him laughing out. "Never enough cookies! Never! Never!" 

"Come on little love, you have to get back to lessons." 

"Mama calls me her littlest love." Vaera remarked as they walked to the library, her needle and thread forgotten in the gardens. "Because I'm so little... will I ever get taller?"

"You are still young princess." Harwin reminded her. 

"Yes but Nyra is taller than me."

"She is older than you too." Harwin countered. 

"But I want to be taller." Vaera countered. "You can see everything from up here." she declared, still in harwin's arms. "I am at fart level." she mumbled. 

"What?" Harwin laughed out. 

"It's true! People dont think about it when they let one loose in a crowded room, who would know right? No one, they are all up here with their noses but I'm down there and its gross down there!" Vaera declared. 

"What if we started to measure you." Harwin offered trying to contain his laughter. 

"What will that do? You going to pull me and make my get taller?" 

"No, that way you can see how tall you are, every day if you wanted." Harwin offered. 

"I suppose thats a good idea." Vaera agreed. "Where shall we measure?"

"Your chambers? We can mark it with a quill and the date." 

"Okay!" Vaera agreed enthusiastically. 

"After lessons." 

"Oh! Man!" Vaera whined. "No! Come on! Thats mean! You got me really excited for nothing!" 

"I'm sorry, vaera." harwin kissed her cheek and she giggled. "Scruffies." 

"Scruffies." Vaera giggled back tipping her head into him. Harwin never really wanted any more siblings, larys was enough but he felt like he gained a sister in the Targaryens. Mainly vaera but Rhaenyra was always lingering. 

Vaera Strong, she was too sweet to be a strong, but his mother would have liked her. Aemma was waiting for them in the library, Harwin put Vaera down and she ran to her mother. 

Vaera was so easy to love it was hard to see why Rhaenyra pushed her little sister away so frequently. 

"Mama, mama, Ser Harwin had the best idea can I skip lessons and do the fun thing instead? I promise to work extra hard tomorrow!" Vaera begged. Aemma knew it was a false promise but she nodded sending vaera off. 'Victory!" Vaera declared launching herself at Harwin. "Lets go! Ohh we should measure you too!"

"I think i am done growing Princess." Harwin countered. 

"But than I can see your mark and mine!" Vaera countered. So they picked a corner of the wall and measured Vaera out then put a little dash way up high for Harwin. 

"Will I ever be tall like you?" 

"I hope not." Harwin admitted, Vaera's lip puckered and eyes narrowed. "Then I wouldnt be able to do this." He picked her up flipping her around, she laughed and laughed, her laughs echoed to the library where Rhaenyra was stuck studying. 

Cookie Monster / Vaera Targaryen / HOTDWhere stories live. Discover now