2. Heir

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Can't catch me now / Severus Snape out now!
King of the World / Rose Bolton out now!

Vaera loved her dragon egg. She thought it was the most beautiful thing in the world. She was admiring it as it sat on the fire when she heard a commotion. Vaeras head turned to the door blinking back at it before looking back at her egg.

There was another bang. She crawled over to the door and gave it a yank to no avail. She babbled banging on the door trying to get out. When the door did open it flew into her and she went rolling back with a thud.

Vaera froze laying on her back face to the ceiling then a deafening wail escaped her lips.

"What are you doing by the door!" Rhaenyra shouted plopping vaera onto her butt. Vaera whimpered lip quivering back at her sister. "Its your own fault. Dont be a baby." Vaeras lips puckered as little tears fell down her cheeks. "What!" Vaera got up crawling to the door and marched right into viserys. He scooped her up and saw her tears

"Oh vaera! What happened!" Vaera declared kissing her little face. Vaera waved a hand back at rhaenyra. "Rhaenyra what did you do?"

"Me!" Rhaenyra shouted. "She was crying when I got here."  Vaera shook her head giving viserys an open mouthed kiss.

"You alright baby girl?" Viserys questioned. Vaera babbled back at him and he assumed that meant she was fine. "Baby girl we are headed to the capital... your grandsire ... he might want me to be king." Vaera stared back at him not understanding. "We are going on a trip."

"Pack a bag Vaera!" Rhaenyra shouted. Vaera looked between them confused before babbling and touching her tummy.

"I think shes hungry," viserys countered. Rhaenyra strut off. Vaera stared back at her wiggling in viserys arms. Viserys chuckled as vaera crawled after rhaenyra. Oh how vaera wanted rhaenyra to love her too.

Viserys was nervous, of course he was, he was going to be king. He might be king. It was possible that the people wanted him to be king. He let out a long slow breath. Aemma smiled grabbing his hand.

Vaera stared up at the current king, her great grandfather and he held her up. 

"She's a little thing, Viserys." Jaehaerys remarked. 

"Vaera." Viserys agreed. Aemma ran a hand over her pregnant stomach. "And another little one on the way." he added. 

Vaera reached out giving Jaehaerys beard a tug. Viserys eyes went wide reaching for Vaera but Jaehaerys laughed out. 

"Oh she is precious, Viserys." Jaehaerys assured. Viserys choked out a laugh as Vaera continued to play with Jaehaerys hair and beard. 

"I'm so glad you think so. She is quite wonderful." Viserys agreed. 

"Strong too." Jaehaerys added as vaera gave another tug. 

"Sorry." Aemma swatted at Viserys to grab Vaera. 

"She's in her grab everything phase." Viserys agreed. 

"Shes precious." Jaehaerys assured. 

"And this is our first born, Rhaenyra. Rhaenyra can you say hello to your great grandsire?" Viserys requested. Rhaenyra stared back at him a moment longer before hiding behind Aemma. 

"Hi." She stuck out a hand waving back at him.

"Oh two girls, lets hope for a boy for this one viserys." Jaehaerys remarked. "But two beautiful girls... either of them like your mother?"

"Vaera is certainly sweet like mother." Viserys agreed. "I almost named her Alyssa but it would have hurt."

"I understand that... Thank you for coming all this way."

"Thank you for considering me." Viserys countered. "But Rhaenys is older-"

"I am leaving it to the people but I have a feeling i know who they will pick. Best of luck my boy." Jaehaerys remarked. 

Over a thousand lords made the journey to Harrenhal. Fourteen succession claims were heard but only two were truly considered.

Princess Rhaenys Targaryen, the King's eldest descendant, and her younger cousin, Prince Viserys Targaryen, the King's eldest male descendant. 

Vaera was bored, Aemma gave her cookie to keep her quiet, she sucked on it, eyes wide as Jaehaerys sat the throne. Rhaenyra played with her dress sleeves while Vaera perched in Viserys arms. A chest was brought forward and Vaera's little mind hoped for a chest of cookies but was sad to see it was just a stupid scroll. Viserys shifted Vaera in his arms, to be named king. That would be something spectacular. 

''It is declared by all lords paramount and lords vassal of the Seven Kingdoms... that Prince Viserys Targaryen be made Prince of Dragonstone.' Jaehaerys Targaryen decreed. "Heir to the iron throne." 

Viserys nearly dropped Vaera. she grabbed tight to his shirt, dropping her cookie on the floor, it was all slobbery. Viserys hugged Aemma as Vaera whined out pointing down at her cookie. Rhaenyra stared up at her father confused. 

"Ookie!" Vaera demanded among the celebration. "OOKIE!" 

Cookie Monster / Vaera Targaryen / HOTDWhere stories live. Discover now