9. Cloud Catching

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"Ready gorgeous?" Daemon asked and Vaera nodded.

"You know the word?" Viserys asked. "To fly?" Vaeras face scrunched up as she thought about it.

"Ssssss-" vaera began.

"Are you a snake?" Daemon teased.

"I'm thinking!" Vaera declared.

"You got this." Viserys assured. "Daemon, be patient, you were a terror, vaers has already surpassed you in all her studies compared to you at her age." Daemon scoffed.

"I was great." Daemon countered.

"I'M THINKING!" Vaera declared her eyes pinched closed. "S, it starts with S!" Vaera told them.

"Can I go?" Rhaenyra questioned bored.

"It does." Daemon agreed. "SSSSS, snake!"

"Snake!" Vaera declared before pouting back at Daemon. "That's not right." Vaera told him.

"My mistake." Daemon chuckled leaning back on Caraxes.

"Sove... So-gone!" Vaera declared and calypso took off. Daemon doubled over in laughter. She flew beside them. Caraxes didnt move. Vaera smiled back at daemon as he held tight to her.

''Sōvegon.'' Rhaenyra corrected syrax took off.

"So-gone!" Daemon declared laughing.

"Vaera remember, hold tight!" Viserys called as Daemon and vaera took off. She gripped the reigns as she looked over at Daemon. Daemon kissed her cheek.

"Do as I do." Daemon told her. "Alright?" Vaera considered that. "Would I steer you wrong?"

"I don't think so." Vaera admitted.

"There you go." Daemon agreed, his gaze drifting to rhaenyra flying below them. Syrax smaller than caraxes. "Alright, one hand." Daemon said lifting a hand up and vaera stared at him before looking to her hands gripping the reigns tightly on caraxes saddle.

"No." Vaera told him. "Daddy said-"

"Trust me. Trust your favorite uncle." Daemon instructed. "One hand." Vaera looked at her hands again before loosening her grip a bit. "Come on vaera..." Daemon coed. "Just one... One hand." Vaera let go but gripped tighter with the opposite hand. "Lift it up and touch the clouds." Daemon declared and she watched him as he seemed to grasp the clouds. Vaeras eyes drifted around before reaching up, her fingers touching the clouds.

"oh." Vaera said pulling her hand back to herself. She looked at her hand expecting it to be white with clouds but she didnt see anything. She did it again touching the clouds and looking to her hand. Then she reached out and grabbed a clump of cloud certain she got it but she opened her fist to see it empty as well.

"Uncle Daemon!" Vaera declared. "I can't catch the clouds." Daemon chuckled.

"Well, you need two hands for that." Daemon assured. Without a second thought vaera let go and reached both hands up trying to trap the clouds between her hands. Daemon wrapped his arms around her to keep her out while Calypso seemed to be gliding on caraxes wing.

"Vaera!" Rhaenyra declared.

"I'm catching clouds!" Vaera called back to him. "Uncle Daemon it didnt work!" Vaera declared. "What am I doing wrong!"

"Try again." Daemon encouraged.

"VAERA HOLD ON!" Rhaenyra begged. "Father will kill me if you die!"

"NYRA!" She shouted down. "I'M CLOUD CATCHING!"

"Cloud catching." Daemon repeated.

"It's not... working." Vaera said annoyed as she kept reaching out and grabbing at the clouds.

"We are not high enough." Daemon remarked.

"Up! UP! UP!" Vaera told calypso. Daemon watched the little dragon jump up and get a bit higher.

"I don't understand how he understands her soo well." Daemon murmured.

"Daemon! Up! Caraxes doesnt listen." Vaera decided.

"He does listen. To proper commands." Daemon countered.

"Up! Up! Im saying it hes not going." Vaera corrected, daemon pulled the reigns commanding caraxes higher. Vaera giggled out as they burst through a cloud.


"You did what?" Viserys demanded.

"You told him?" Daemon countered looking between his nieces.

"Get you in trouble." Rhaenyra agreed sticking her tongue out at daemon.

"It was fun." Daemon assured lifting vaera up "you had fun?"

"I almost caught a cloud daddy!" Vaera declared. Viserys saw the smile on vaeras face and he couldnt be mad at her.

"When ser harrold said daemon took you flying... I was worried you would go flying off and then rhaenyra tells me that you were letting go of the reins that you were waving your hands in the air like you just don't care. It worried me so much. I think about you flying off the dragon and it terrifies me." Viserys remarked. Vaera wiggled in daemons arms until he put her down and she ran at top speed to viserys hugging him tightly.

"Im sorry daddy. I never meant to worry you. Do you forgive me?"

" oh, my dear there's nothing to forgive you were safe I was just being a worry wart."

"So Nyra is in trouble for being a tattle tale?" Vaera decided. Viserys chuckled as rhaenyra stomped a foot down in outrage.

" no, no my dear no one is in trouble I would just like to be notified next time you were flying through the clouds with your uncle."

" but I love seeing the vein in your neck pop in you are worried." Daemon mused.

"Daemon no doubt you will be driving me to an early grave." Viserys mused. Daemon smirked

"Thats the plan." Daemon added with a wink.

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