13. Hug It Out

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"So mama needs a cookie to feel better." Vaera decided, Viserys put her down and she grabbed a plate of cookies marching them to Aemma's chambers.

Aemma shifted in bed when Harwin announced Vaera's presence, Vaera didnt wait for her mother to agree for her to come in, she pushed open the door and ran up to Aemma.

"I brought you get better cookies!" Vaera declared.

"Oh thank you." Aemma whispered. "Me perfect girl."

Aemma didnt know if it was the fact that during Vaera's pregnancy she self soothed with cookies but Vaera seemed to do the same and whenever anyone was sad or mad or needed to feel better, she brought them cookies.

"Vaers thank you for being so wonderful." Aemma remarked.

Vaera was wonderful. It came with being the baby of the family. Although Aemma had already had two miscarriages since Vaera, she knew that even when they finally had a son, Vaera would always be Aemma's little princess. 

Rhaenyra was a topic in herself. Aemma loved both her girls but they were just so different. The only thing in common that they shared was their love of dragons.

Rhaenyra felt like she was being punished when her father assigned her to be cup bearer. But he just wanted to be closer to his daughters. Vaera made time for Viserys in her very busy day of playing and playing and eating lots of cookies. Rhaenyra didnt. So although it seemed like a punishment, Viserys meant for it to be a bonding experience. 

But she more often than not ditched the small council meetings and flew off on her dragon instead. Vaera smiled as she carried around the pitcher of wine, to big to carry, it was huge, she could barely see around it, she tripped over her own foot and the wine went cascading down Otto's pant legs. 

"Oh no!" Vaera declared. "I didnt mean to! I'm not suited for this! Nyra said we were playing a game but she's a liar." Vaera realized. 

"It's alright," Otto assured rising up, brushing off his pants to no use. 

"I think we are done anyways." Viserys offered taking the pitcher from vaera. 

"I'm very sorry, Mister." Vaera assured. 

"It's alright." Otto repeated. 

"I will be careful next time." 

"Next time?" Otto looked to Viserys skeptically. 

"Rhaenyra should be here, this is her duty, not yours." Viserys reminded her. "You are too little, you can't even see on top of the table." Viserys picked her up and she noticed how she missed every glass and amber liquid seeped over the table. 

"Whoops." Vaera whispered. "I did try."

"I know you did baby." Viserys assured. "ANd I am proud of you for showing up." Viserys assured. 

"Rhaenyra ran away from me." Vaera realized. "She doesnt love me... she sent me here to do her dirty work." She growled out, her little face furrowing into as mean as little Vaera could get it. 

"Rhaenyra," Aemma begged. "She is your sister and she loves you, stop pushing her away."

"She is so annoying." Rhaenyra whined.

"We talk it out, work it out, hug it out in this family." Aemma reminded her. "Now, stop pushing her away and talk to your sister, she was in tears. What did you say to her?"


"I doubt it." Aemma corrected. "Please, I have been through a lot this past week I dont have the energy to scold you." Rhaenyra slumped off grumbling and grumbling.

Rhaenyra found Vaera sitting in Harwin's lap, she was mumbling things Rhaenyra couldnt hear, she cleared her throat and Vaera silenced.

"Vee... can we talk?"

"I dont mean to be bothersome to you Nyra, I just love you so much!" Vaera declared, through a quivering lip and watery eyes. 

Oh boy, how was Rhaenyra supposed to be the big bad dragon now? She couldnt, she had to do as her mother said, talk it out, work it out and hug it out. 

"I was over reacting" Rhaenyra corrected. "I'm sorry Vee. And I'm sorry for sending you into the council meeting where you surely made a huge mess."

"I did." Vaera admitted. "I spilled all over some man." She added. Rhaenyra chuckled. 

"But father didnt care?"

"It was supposed to be your job!" Vaera declared. "I couldnt see over the table!" Rhaenyra continued to laugh. "NYRA!" Vaera whined. 

"I'm sorry. Will you forgive me?" Rhaenyra pondered.  Harwin whispered in Vaera's ear.

"Are you sure?" Vaera countered, Harwin nodded. Vaera stood up. "I want to have a tea party with you, once a week!" Rhaenyra glanced to harwin clearly annoyed with his suggestion. "Please Nyra... and when Caly gets bigger I want to go flying with you... would that be okay?"

"I would like that." Rhaenyra agreed. Vaera ran up to her hugging her tight.

"Can we have a tea party now?"

"Vee-" Rhaenyra grumbled but catching Harwin's stare. "I would love to." Rhaenyra agreed.

Cookie Monster / Vaera Targaryen / HOTDWhere stories live. Discover now