11. The Little Princess

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Now that we don't talk / Otto Hightower Out now!

Burn the Ships / Viserys Targaryen / Larys Strong out Now!

Karma / Criston Cole / aemond Targaryen out now!


"No princess its time for lessons." Harwin corrected.

"Im a baby. I dont need lessons." Vaera corrected.

"Your uncle is here. Said he wanted to train you today to teach you." Harwin corrected.

"Uncle daemon is here? You should've started with that I wouldn't have put up such a fuss." Vaera remarked. Harwin chuckled. Vaera never put up a fuss. She was quite honestly the most perfect person to guard. He got to train with the other knights in the yard. And the little princess came and watched and cheered him on.

If you ever lost her, he could find her in the kitchen, trying to steal cookies or down by the shores with her dragon trainer laela and calypso.

Harwin at first, I thought that this job was going to be silly and in a sense it was. He was a skilled warrior, and yet he was basically babysitting. But he was babysitting the cutest, most sweetest little princess in the world.

" there's your uncle." Harwin remarked. " I will see you after."

"Thank you Harwin! Bye Harwin!" Vaera declared running off. But her lessons with her uncle quickly took a turn, and she was glaring back at him. Brow furrowed, lips pursed, and he kept repeating the same thing over and over and over again, making her more and more confused.

"Dombo." Daemon told vaera. She stared back at him. "Dombo." he repeated. "Dom-"

"Daddy!" Vaera whined. "Uncle Daemon is calling me a dumbo."

"Daemon!" Viserys scolded.

"I am not." Daemon corrected. "I'm trying to teach her." Daemon corrected.

"By calling my precious baby a dumbo," Viserys tsked.

"Dombo." Daemon corrected.

"See?" Vaera declared hugging Viserys legs. "He's being mean, tell him to stop."

"It is a high Valyrian word." Viserys told her picking her up and bringing her back to the table.

"For dumbo?" Vaera countered a big pout on her face.

"More." Daemon corrected. "You think I would call you a dumbo?"

"You certainly had fun with me thinking you were!" Vaera countered sticking her tongue out at him. "You are being difficult."

"Oh no don't anger my cutie pie." Viserys warned.

"Oh, can we get pie?" Vaera asked. "Oh cookie, cookies. Please!" She clasped her hands together under her chin looking up at him.

"Can you say  cookie?" Daemon asked.

"I just did." Vaera countered.

"In high Valyrian." Viserys countered. Vaera groaned out.

"If I do, can we get some?" Vaera negotiated.

"Sure." Daemon agreed.

""Cooooooooo-kiiiiieee!" Vaera drawled out.

"Onya." Daemon applauded.  Viserys rolled his eyes.

"HA! Cookie time!" Vaera said getting up but Viserys held her to him.

"Not yet."

"But uncle Dae said!" Vaera whined slumping back against Viserys.

"One more..." Viserys requested.

"Fine." Caera agreed through a huff.

"Vaera es Muña Zaldrizoti."

Vaera stared back at Viserys a moment longer.

"Vaera. Thats me." She told him.

"Yes, there was no translation there." Viserys agreed as Daemon snorted a laugh.

"Is." Vaera went on. Viserys nodded. "I'm not a mother." Vaera remarked. "You are saying confusing things too."

"Zaldrizoti." Daemon echoed. "What is that?"

"Dragons?" Vaera asked and stated.

"Good." Viserys agreed. "Put it together." and vaera gave him an Oh face coming to the realization of what he said.

"I am the mother of dragons!" Vaera declared happily.  Rhaenyra rolled her eyes from her own lesson.

"Wonderful." Daemon agreed. "You really are, they listen to you better than anyone."

"COOKIE TIME!" Vaera said running out. "CALY! COOKIE TIME!"

"I don't think calypso is going to want cookies." Daemon called after her.

"Why not?" Vaera countered. "Cookies are delicious."

"She has a point." Daemon remarked as she grabbed to his hand.

Viserys wiped vaeras face of chocolate as he tucked her in that night. Vaera yawned out as viserys blew out the candles.

"A story?" Vaera whispered rubbing at her eyes.

"A story..." viserys thought on that before he settled in bed beside her. "There once was a princess named vaera." Vaera smiled up at him " she was the most beautiful little princess. She had a pet dragon named-"

" calypso!" Vaera shouted.

" you guessed it Little love." Viserys agreed. " they went on all sorts of adventures together. But their favorite adventure was always to the kitchen." Vaera giggled. " the little dragon would lead his princess through the maze of halls of the castle for the dragon knew that the treasure was at the castle kitchens. It was always in the kitchen."

"Always." Vaera agreed.

" when they got to the kitchen, they didn't see the treasure right away but they smelled it. So they looked high and low. They climbed on the counters and they looked in the cabinets, but they couldn't find the treasure." Viserys went on.

" where is it? Where is the treasure?" Vaera questioned completely enthralled.

" a chef came in and and looked between the little girl and her dragon. She asked what they were doing in the kitchen and the little girl answered. We're looking for the treasure her dragon grumbled in agreement. The chef said, I think I know what treasure you're looking for and carefully pulled out of tray of freshly baked cookies from the oven. The princess saw the stone, the fire flickering and the beautiful crispy cookies, waiting to be devoured." Vaera was practically drooling.

" did she get her treasure daddy?"

" the chef, put the tray down and said you must wait it's too hot, but the princess was never good at waiting for her treasure. She reached out having to drop the cookie quickly. It fell to the ground and her dragon calypso gobbled it up. it was just right."

" that was a good story daddy." Vaera answered.

" good night my little princess." he kissed her for head and got up from the bed.

" wait wait tell me the princess got her cookie in the end to!"

Cookie Monster / Vaera Targaryen / HOTDNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ