10. Harwin

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When Vaera was 5 years old she had already been getting into trouble. She didnt think she was doing anything wrong of course, she was just having fun. But Viserys and Aemma had enough worrying about their little girl. Aemma held auditions as Vaera called them for Vaera's new guard.

"Next!" Vaera declared from her fathers lap. yes Viserys had more important things to do than auditions guards but it was for Vaera and he wanted the very best guard for her.

"What was wrong with that one love?" Viserys questioned.

"He was missing a tooth." Vaera answered as if it was obvious.

"She wants a handsome knight." Aemma agreed.

A new knight stepped forward, most of the men thought that guarding the princess would give them a rise in station. Give their family an 'in' with the royal family. But they didnt realize that no matter their successes if they couldnt please Vaeras unwritten desires for her new guard then they were out.

"And what was wrong with that one?" Viserys mused as Vaera called out next!

"He would give me nightmares." Vaera answered.

"What?" Aemma countered glancing back at the retreating guard.

"Did you see his mustache?" Vaera declared a shiver went through her. "It was gross."

"I think we need to take a break." Aemma suggested.

"Cookie break!" Vaera shouted jumping up.

Vaera loved the castle. She didnt remember much of dragonstone but her dragon trainer- a woman!- Laela had been helping her. Aemma and Viserys had shown her the dragon trainers and they were all men, Vaera didnt like that. But Laela presented herself and Vaera instantly befriended her.

"What if she needs a... dare I say it..." Aemma whispered. "A female guard." Viserys laughed out.

"Women can't be guards.''

"Laela is a dragon trainer and Vaera adores her!" Aemma corrected.

"Laela is a fine trainer." Viserys agreed. "But Aemma, our Vaera needs a proper guard not just a friend."

"I understand that." Aemma assured. "But she vetoes every man off their looks and how they sound, I want her to have a say in who is going to be chasing after her all day but she doesnt want one."

"They are having auditions for the princess Vaera's new guard."

"Auditions?" Harwin countered.

"Yes. Thats what the princess is calling them." Lyonel agreed.

"How old is she?"

"Five. She's the sweetest thing, always running in on council meetings and jumping in the kings lap. But she gets into trouble, wandering around. But that look on her face..." Lyonel chuckled. "It's so innocent."  Harwin chuckled.

"Thats why you called upon me?"

"You dont want a wife, you are nearly twenty years old Harwin, you want to be a guard, a knight your whole life fine, but why not be a guard for someone that matters." Lyonel suggested.

"Vaera." Harwin agreed.

"She's picky though, so just give the audition a go." LYonel suggested.

"And if she doesnt like me?"

"Then we find you a wife." Lyonel suggested. "Go make a friend with the little princess." He encouraged.

Vaera had cookie crumbs on her mouth when Harwin found her. She wiped at her lips smiling up at him.


"Hello Princess." Harwin answered.

"I'm Vaera." she said sticking out a little hand. "You are really tall."

"I'm Harwin." He answered kneeling before her and gently shaking her hand. She gasped and he thought he hurt her.

"Look at my hand!" Vaera shouted. "It's just gone!" Harwin relaxed letting her little hand go. "Are you a warrior? You look like a fighter."

"I am a knight." Harwin agreed.

"I havent seen you before." Vaera realized. "I would remember you."

"Would you?" Harwin questioned. Vaera nodded reaching a hand out to touch his hair.

"You have pretty hair." Vaera agreed, Harwin chuckled, he had never been told that before.

"Thank you Princess." Harwin answered.

"I like you, you won the audition." Vaera decided. Harwin chuckled again, this little princess made him smile so easily.

"I won?"

"You won." Vaera tugged on his hand and he stood up. "Come on, lets go tell daddy." Vaera brought him to the king and smiled brightly declared that Mr Harwin would be her new guard.

"Congratulations Ser Strong." Viserys extended a hand. "You take good care of my vaera." It was a command and a warning and threat all at once.

"I will protect her with my life."

"Great! Lets get cookies to celebrate!" Vaera declared.

"Werent you just eating a cookie when I-" harwin countered. Vaera hushed him immediately.

"Dont rat me out or you're fire." Vaera warned.

"Princess vaera? Cookies? Nope. Never saw that." Harwin confirmed with a wink. Vaera giggled out holding tight to his hand. Viserys smiled satisfied. Yes Harwin Strong would do just fine.

Cookie Monster / Vaera Targaryen / HOTDWhere stories live. Discover now