17. Life is Short

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Already Mine / Lucerys Velaryon out now!

"I say go for it!" Vaera declared. Rhaenyra rolled her eyes pushing past Vaera. "Come on Nyra! Life is short so are we!" 

"Your hormones must be clouding your rational thoughts." Rhaenyra corrected. Vaera was six, almost seven she didnt think that was right. 

"I think it's the amount of cookies clouding my rational thoughts thank you very much!" Vaera corrected. 

"I dont care about boys, Vee." Rhaenyra assured. 

"But you and Alicent always watch them." Vaera corrected.  Rhaenyra pursed her lips. 

"They are always training in the middle of the yard, its hard to ignore them." Rhaenyra decided. Vaera shrugged. 

"I watch ser harwin train, he's really good, he's really strong." Vaera giggled out. "His name is-"

"Strong. I got it." Rhaenyra assured. Vaera smiled up at her sister expectantly, although she never really expected anything. Rhaenyra realized she was supposed to be in a meeting as cup bearer and smirked. She couldnt get in trouble if she was with Vaera, right? "You want to go for a ride Vee?'


They raced around the clouds and Harwin paced from the ground anxiously. 

"I know," viserys remarked with a chuckled. "It scares me too."

"SHe is just so little, your grace." Harwin agreed. 

"That she is." Viserys agreed. "The littlest peanut there ever was..." VIserys smiled as she raced through the clouds. "I'm glad she has you looking out for her."

"I'm happy to, honestly, she is a wonderful girl, your grace." Harwin assured. "Always makes me smile too, she has that way about her." 

"That she does." Viserys agreed with a heavy sigh. "When she gets down, I would like to see her and her sister." Viserys remarked. 

"Of course your grace." Harwin agreed. 

"Why?" Vaera questioned.

"He did not say princess." Harwin answered. 

"Why didnt you ask?" Vaera countered. 

"It is not my place to ask the king questions." Harwin reminded her. 

"I ask him questions all the time." Vaera countered confused. "Ser Harwin, I'm tired," She lifted her arms up. "Can you carry me?" Harwin lifted her like she weighed nothing, probably because she weighed so little compared to Harwin.  She smiled snuggling into him. "Your armor is not comfy." Vaera realized. She knocked a fist against his breast plate. 

"Vaera stop being a weirdo." Rhaenyra instructed. "You are not a baby, you can walk for yourself." 

"But Ser Harwin doesnt mind, right ser Harwin?" Vaera batt long lashed up at him. 

"I dont mind." Harwin assured. Vaera stuck her tongue out at Rhaenyra. 

"Plus I like being up this high, will I ever get any taller?" Vaera questioned. 

"I'm sure you will." Harwin agreed. 

"I have been little forever though, what if I never grow again?" Vaera demanded, fear in her eyes. 

"Here we are!" Rhaenyra declared pushing open the door. Harwin put Vaera down. 

"I feel very small now." Vaera realized softly as she looked up and up at Harwin. 

"I will be right out here, Princess." Harwin assured nudging her to the door. 

"Can I ride on your shoulders when I'm done with daddy?" Vaera questioned as she grabbed Harwin's hand. 

"Anything you want." Harwin agreed. Vaera smiled brightly before moving to the door. 

'Daddy don't worry I'm here!" Vaera declared. Rhaenyra was pouring the wine for a meeting. She had got an earful about being on time and respecting the council but when Vaera came running in Viserys rose up hugging her tight. Rhaenrya rolled her eyes, spilling the wine as she glanced to her father. 

"Heavens!" Otto shot up as wine spilled over his pants yet again. 

"Sorry." Rhaenyra murmured. 

"It's..." Otto huffed out a breath cleaning up best he could. These girls were useless. 

"You wanted to see me daddy?" Vaera questioned 

"Meeting is almost done, just sit tight." Viserys requested. Vaera held out a cup and grinned back at Rhaenyra. 

"I'm not pouring you a glass, you got me in trouble." Rhaenyra hissed.

"What did I do?" Vaera countered. "Do you have juice?" 

"I went flying with you and you made me late." Rhaenyra remarked. 

"You wanted to go riding, you asked me." Vaera countered. 

"And conned me into it." Rhaenyra shouted back. 

"Ladies," Viserys begged. 

"No I didnt!" Vaera jumped up on the chair. "Because i dont know what conned means!" 

"Both of you." Viserys begged. "It's over now, lets just..."

"Sorry I am late!" Daemon remarked. 

"Uncle Daemon!" Vaera shouted jumping up and running across the table, she flew off as if she had wings herself and launched herself into Daemon's waiting arms. 

"Hey beautiful, I missed you."  Daemon purred. 

"I missed you, eww, you got blood on you, or is that strawberry glaze?" Vaera poked at his cheek. 

"Blood gorgeous, dont lick it." Daemon agreed. 

"Why would I like you?" Vaera questioned confused. 

"When you are older you might want to." Daemon mused. 

"Gross." Vaera countered. 

"Daemon." Viserys growled. 

"Just some innocent fun, you know its more fun when she doesnt understand what I'm saying." Daemon offered. 

"I understand and I dont lick people." Vaera corrected. 

"Daemon." Viserys demanded through gritted teeth. Daemon shifted Vaera in his arms. 

"This is going to be so much fun... I'm so glad i'm back." 

"WHy did you leave?" Vaera questioned.  Daemon kissed her cheek. "Did you have a baby yet?"

"No." Daemon assured. "Would you want me to have a baby?"

"No." Vaera admitted. "I like being the baby, but mommy can have a baby I suppose..." Vaera offered. "I know daddy wants a son, it would be fun to have another sibling. One that doesnt yell at me." 

"WHo is yelling at you?" Daemon countered. 

"I just said my sibling, Uncle Daemon. I only have the one." 

Cookie Monster / Vaera Targaryen / HOTDWhere stories live. Discover now