26. Lick

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"one, two, three, one, two, three and keep your head up shoulders back do not give a death grip on his hand."

Vaera didn't really like dancing lessons. She was so much smaller than her partner. But she absolutely loved her partner.

" I think you're doing a fine job my little love." Daemon assured picking her up and spinning her around her legs wrapped around him as her arms hooked around his neck

" that is not proper!"

"Screw proper. In the real world we dance like this!" Daemon declared. He flipped his person upside down and spun her around. She shrieked with laughter.

"Uncle daemon would you like to dance with me? I know how to dance I'm a proper partner." Rhaenyra assured him.

" don't be mean he's playing with me!" Vaera corrected her face turning red as her uncle held her upside down.

" yeah don't be mean I'm playing with Vaera." Daemon agreed.

" OK my face my head... Pull me up pull me up!"

" your brother is here... I've heard some things about her wife and him that disappoint me to say the least." Aemma remarked gently as she stroked her husbands arm. Viserys sighed.

" I have never been able to control him. You know that." Viserys countered.

" I love how good he is with the girls. I love how much they love him but...." she stumbled over her next words.

" but he is not a good role model." Viserys offered. "Trust me my love I know, and I wish he was treating his wife with as much love and compassion as he treats our girls.... But you know him."

" I do know him, which is what worries me."

" I don't think he would taint our girls." He counter but aemma gave him pointed look. " where are they right now?" he added.

" The last time he was here he stole vaera away to dorne of all places!" Aemma reminded him.

" we should go for a ride a race!" Daemon decided.

"Syrax is really fast I bet she could beat you old man." Rhaenyra declared.

"Ohhhh!" Vaera smile, looking between them. " I think she just challenged you uncle Daemon!"

" I believe you're right she did just challenge me ." Daemon agreed. "all right let's go then. The best rider wins."

"Viserys they are going to the dragons again! The three of them oh my gosh he's stealing both of our daughters this time!" Aemma shouted.

"Im going to give you a boost." Daemon remarked propelling vaera onto Calypsos back. She smiled when she was a top her dragon, gripping the saddles reins.

"Im ready!" Vaera declared. Daemon got on Caraxes and glanced to Rhaenyra on Syrax.

" why don't you count it off gorgeous?" Daemon suggested.

" what am I counting?"

" fly." Daemon offered.

"Okay.... Five... four...  FLY!" Vaera demanded. "Sovengon!" She shouted and calypso was quick to take flight.

"Viserys!" Aemma demanded.

"Daemon!" He growled.


Daemon smiled smugly across the table. Vaera grabbed another cookie very stealthily until her arm bumped a glass and she spilled juice across the table. 

"Whoops." Vaera whispered holding her cookie close.  

Aemma tried to keep a smile on her face for the girls sake, she knew how much they loved their uncle Daemon but every time, every damn time he made an appearance he turned everyone and everything upside down. Aemma was glad the girls had an uncle, Aemma had half siblings she wasnt close with but Daemon was... Daemon.

"You have a good ride?" Aemma questioned poking at her broccoli.

"The best! We had a race!" Vaera agreed. 

It was hard, nay, impossible to be mad at Vaera. She was the sweetest most wonderful little girl and she never actually thought what she was doing was wrong. How could something so fun ever be wrong? And she trusted her uncle Daemon, that was her only possible downfall. She trusted Daemon too much. 

"Glad you landed promptly." Viserys added. Daemon continued to smile, leaning back in his chair, he reached out tugging Vaera's chair closer to him. She smile as he brought his mouth to her ear. She giggled her shoulders rising to her ears, her head tipping back. 

"What did he say?" Rhaenyra questioned. 

"Nothing," Vaera giggled wiping at her ear.

"Liar what did he say?" Rhaenyra demanded. 

"NOTHING!" Vaera shouted, Daemon chuckled leaning back as he grabbed his wine. Viserys and Aemma were curious now to. 

"It's true I didnt say anything." Daemon agreed. 

"He didnt." Vaera confirmed as a new drink was poured for her. 

"What did he do then?" Viserys questioned. Vaera looked to Daemon with a pout that turned into a smile. 

"He licked me."

Cookie Monster / Vaera Targaryen / HOTDWhere stories live. Discover now