The sun, the moon and the sea

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Everyone talks about
how the Sun and the Moon never meet.
One can only exist during the day
and the other in the night.
But no one ever mention the third part, the Sea.
Never being able to fully be together.
But still play the game of what ifs and longing.
And when they do finally get to be together
their eclipse casts a shadow down to the earth.
It's deceiving though.
Because as cool as it is to be the earth
and watch the magic of an eclipse,
It's still just a shadow.
The Moon is hidden.
But we often forget about the pure love
between the Moon and the Sea.
They're connected in so many ways
and get to be together every night.
The Sea partaking in her light
and mirroring the Moons reflection.
Showing the Moon how beautiful she is.
And how being in love
shouldn't cast a shadow onto anyone.
Especially herself.
The Sea is always there waiting for the Moon.
He waits for her trough out the day
just to get a couple of hours of her time each night.
It's beautiful actually.
Unconditional and true.
And yet the Moon is never sure
if she should be with the Sea.
Because of all the possibilities.
She gets scared to mess up
and choose wrong.
Even though the love
between the Moon and the Sea is known.
The love between the Sun and the Sea
is the most talked about.
It's the "norm" when it comes to
metaphors on great love.
Which also scares the Moon.
And that's okay.
The Sea understands.
The Sea understands why the Moon is always
pushing and pulling away her tides.
The Sea finds her in every lifetime.
So if she only gets the chance
to forever miss and long for the Sea
in this lifetime, she'll try the next.
Which lover came first though.
The science are convinced the Sea came first.
Some would say from a past life even.
Yet the Moon always manages to find the Sea.

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