My angel and I

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My angel and I have this pact
that I can't see the future before it's time.
Because he gets a little too excited to help
my reasoning immediately rhyme.
"It will all make sense", he tells me.
He wants to tell me more.
"You can only understand life
in the perspective you've experienced before."
I have three angels.
Or maybe it's closer to six.
They have this pact with each other
that my problems are theirs to fix.
One gets the shitty man's.
One gets the failed test.
One gets the overthinking.
But this one angel,
he just rest.
He plots for even better.
He has his pact with a star.
That a dream is more likely to come true,
if I put it especially far.
But I'm not very good at dreaming.
Too many days I spend awake.
But my angel won't quit.
He wonders what exactly it will take.
So he starts leaving messages.
Numbers and signs.
He starts showing me people dressed
to the very best of the nines.
Every now and then,
I don't get it.
Every now and again,
he tries to speak.
All of the...
The other angels hold his mouth closed.
Of all of the angels
his self control is the most weak.
So this little angel winks at the sun.
He spends his days playing,
because life is so fun.
When the other angels come home
angry and tired.
He is what convinces them
that they are still admired.
But one day the other angels
leaves for a little too long.
That work day should have been over,
so for me he plays a song.
A song about changes.
Because the other angels don't just repair.
They switch places with the others.
Laughing about how we think,
the other doesn't care.
My angel and I have this pact
that neither of us formally sweared.
That we will both stay loving,
even if the other is too scared.
So he knows what this will mean for me.
He know and he wants to say.
That very soon I will find out...
Who my other angels switched places with today.

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