A choice shapes your path

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A choice shapes your path,
every step you take.
It can cause you heartache,
or love that makes you wake.
A choice is a beacon of hope,
a flicker in the night.
A wavering doubt,
a constant inner fight.
You never know
when the right choice will appear.
Between love and life,
between joy and fear.
The dilemma of choosing
between what's right and what's easy,
The struggle of deciding,
feeling queasy.
The choice between
following your dream or staying true.
To the expectations others set for you.
The line between making a decision
and staying true to yourself.
Life is a series of choices,
sometimes hidden on a shelf.
You'll always have to choose
between doing what's good or bad.
But who decides what's right?
It's enough to drive you mad.
It's a constant battle of left or right,
never both at once.
A decision that will impact you,
affecting in every nuance.
This choice is forever etched,
not just for a while.
I made my decision,
but did I truly reconcile?
Did I just listen to my inner voice?
To make and live with my choice.
A choice determines our fate,
as some may say.
Yet, is this destiny truly meant to be,
we often ponder and weigh.
Every twist and turn,
every joy and pain we endure.
It leads us to wonder
if it's all part of a plan that's pure.
They say everything happens for a reason,
a comforting thought.
But in moments of uncertainty,
is this belief easily bought?
We navigate through life,
faced with decisions and strife.
Seeking answers to questions
that consume us like a knife.
Is it all predetermined,
or do we have a hand to play?
In the outcome of our lives,
shaping our own way?
The choice to follow our hearts,
or listen to society's voice?
Can leave us torn,
wondering if we've made the right choice.
Now I'm asking me,
is this truly meant to be?

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