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Nobody has ever scored that big. Not in New York, London, or Monte Carlo. So if my picture has to be in the news again, at least it'd be for pulling off the biggest heist in history.

A group of ten is walking towards an empty house in the province of Toledo. Three women and eight men. The head of the heist - the professor- leads them towards a room which is set up like a classroom.

Bienvenidos. Welcome.

After writing this on the blackboard the professor turns to face us. "Welcome everyone and I want to thank all of you for excepting this job offer." The only sound that can be heard is the small snicker of one of the guys. He has brown curly hair and I could see his muscles through his shirt. "We'll live here, away from the worldly noise and it's distractions for five months, five months we'll spend studying how to pull of this heist -"

"What do you mean, five months? Are you crazy or what?" an elder men in - I assume - his fifties interrupts the Professor. The professor sits down on his desk and turns to him.

"Look, people spend years studying... to earn a salary, which, even in a best case just a salary, a shitty salary... What's five months?" He faces all of us before his gaze turns back to the man "I've been thinking about this... for much longer." He shrugs his shoulders "so I'll never have to work again. And neither will you... and neither will your children." The girl next to me and I exchange excited glances while the professor points to us with his thumb and nicks with a tight smile "Great."

"Currently you don't know each other and I want to keep it like that -" the Professor turns his back to us while writing something on the board. No wonder Anibal and I thought he was a teacher, he plays his role to perfection. I look over to my brother who was sitting a row behind us to my left and we shared an amused smirk. "Nobody should use their names or ask personal questions.. and obviously relationships are forbidden." With that my brother and curly head (from before) let out snickers while I just grin amused 'what about family?'. Curly head taps the elder dude sitting in front of him with his foot. I guess they are related.. probably his dad. "I want each of you to pick a name, something simple. They can be numbers, planets, or cities-"

"So like 'Mister 17, Miss 23'." Curly head interrupts his explanation.

"We already got a problem, I can't even remember my phone number."

"Well you can't even use one." He grins at the elder one and lets out a crazy laugh while looking at us.

"So planets?" The Professor tries to bring our attention back to the original question when Anbial speaks up "I'll be Mars -" he points to curly head "he is Uranus-"

"I'm not Uranus, so forget it."

"What's wrong with Uranus?" 

"It's an asshole." Well someone woke up with an attitude.

"We'll use cities. Cities" The Professor exclaims before the situation escalates. "So cities it is." Curly Head agrees.

And that's how I ended up calling myself Venice. The girl sitting in the front called herself Tokyo. She joined her 28 year old boyfriend into a world of crime, at the age of 14. Together they successfully pulled off fifteen heists until one of their heists, involving a Prosegur pickup truck, ended in a shootout that killed three people, including her boyfriend. From then on, she became a fugitive and posters with her face were put up all over Spain. Similar to my brother and mine story, her mother was working together with the police and together they set up a trap to catch her, but the Professor was able to warn her and offered her to join his heist.

The one sitting behind her and in front of me is Berlin. A wanted man all over the world. Twenty-seven heists. Jewellery stores, auction houses and armoured cars. His biggest score, Champs-Elysee in Paris. Four hundred and thirty-four diamonds. He's like a shark in a swimming pool. You can swim with him, but you're never at ease. He had a nag for suites and was in charge of the heist.

The elder man is Moscow. The first thing he dug was a mine in Asturias, later he figured out that he'd make more money by digging upwards. Six fur shops, three watch shops and the Rural Credit Union of Aviles. He's an expert with any industrial equipment.

The one behind Moscow is Denver, alias curly head, his son. So I was right about my assumption. Drugs, busted teeth, broken rips. He is the king of bar fights. A total hothead and a ticking time bomb in a perfect plan. But also hot as fuck.

Behind him is Anibal who calls himself Rio. I can see that he has a thing for Tokyo. As I already mentioned he is like the Mozart of computers. As for everything else, it is as if he was born yesterday.

Then there are the twins. Helsinki and Oslo. Even the most sophisticated plan needs soldiers, and what's better than two Serbs? Maybe they can think, but frankly, we'll never know. Even though I must admit that Helsinki seems like a Sweetheart on the inside. Just like a huge Teddy bear you just want to cuddle. The Professor told me he would help me explain the different weapons to the group.

Next to me is Nairobi. A hardened optimist. She's been creating counterfeit bills since age 13, and now she's our quality control manager. She may be crazy, but I love that chick to no end. Over the five months she became my best friend. What can I say.. she is a lot of fun.

"Realize that the news will be talking about us every day. And every family in this country will be wondering 'what are they doing'." The only one with glasses walks to the front and again sits on his desk. "What else will they be thinking?... Those motherfuckers I wish I'd thought of that first!"

The Professor, no criminal record, no registration. He hasn't renewed his ID since he was 19. For all intents and purposes, a ghost, but a very smart ghost. Even though his stalker-ish move a few weeks ago freaks me out a little, he has my respect. I can't imagine planning such a heist in this detail, even tough it is what I learned for years. He seems like a genuine man and thought of every little outcome. Still he looks like a lonely teacher in his Midlife crisis. But instead of throwing away his red Seat Ibiza and buying a new car, he plans the greatest heist in the history of Spain, if not in the world.

"That's because we're not stealing.. anybody's money. And for that reason alone they gonna like us. And that's vital. It is vital that we have positive support from the public. We'll be seen as fucking heroes to the country." He looks directly at me, knowing my background. "But be very careful, 'cause the second any blood is shed- and this is very important- if there's a single victim.. we'll stop being Robin Hoods, and we'll simply become a bunch of  sons of bitches." I can't help but grin mischievously. I can sense that we're going to make a lot of money with this heist, but what I'm looking forward to even more is not just the action that comes with it. Sure, that's a positive part too-I've really missed the thrill of shooting-but no, much better is the prospect of giving this damn deceitful state a run for its money. It's like my little personal revenge, dancing around their noses. And the best part? Who wouldn't want to be seen as a heroine? It's what I always wanted. At 24, I've spent most of my time working towards joining the military and then becoming one of the best of the best. That jerk put a kink in my plans, but now they'll be in for a surprise when their own techniques are turned against them. I'm the best fighter here, not just with a weapon but also in hand-to-hand combat. Denver can throw a punch, and the twins can handle weapons well, but I've learned close-quarters combat techniques that would even make Captain America raise an eyebrow. I'd love to claim I'm as good as Black Widow, but let's be honest, no one would stand a chance against Natasha Romanoff, even if she's just a fictional character, she is a queen. She's been my role model since I was a kid. I turn to look at Rio, who was already grinning at me, as if he read my mind.

Smirking I raise my hand "Professor?"

"Yes Senorita Venice?"

"What are we robbing?"

He walks towards the back of the room and stands behind a desk where something was hidden under a piece of cloth, while everyone turns in their seat watching him closely. He pulls up the cloth.

"The Royal Mint of Spain."

Venice; Money HeistWhere stories live. Discover now