Fuck them

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If I started off telling a kidnapping story, it's because everyone remembers the days the Royal Mint was under siege. The streets in downtown Madrid were closed. TV stations reported live, 24 hours a day. The police threw their procedure manuals out the window and didn't know what to do about those crazy bastards trying to print their own money. But actually, many other things happened that nobody remembers, things that changed us all to the point of not knowing who were the bad guys and who were the good guys. The professor was sitting at a bar in a coffee shop, acting all confused and asking the inspectora about those crazy motherfuckers playing Robin Hood, but of course she couldn't elaborate, so the only thing she gave prize was the fact that they were trying to buy time. Actually, we were the ones buying time. The phrase "time is money" had never been more appropriate. And it was a lot of money. Every hour, we printed eight million euros, 1.400 sheets of currency paper, each producing 140,000 50-euro bills.

Everything was so calm in the early morning, that it seemed like the plan was right on track. The Professor was our Big Brother. He controlled the police radio and 18 cameras, so if someone wanted to screw us over, we'd know well in advance. We took shifts watching hostages, the entrances, and of course, production. After only 20 hours of starting, the presses had already spit out 52 million euros. So at that point, we all thought anything was possible...

I stand beside Moscow smoking a cigarette and watching over the production and the hostages. The last two hours we were joking about different kinds of things and grew closer. He was like a father figure to me and probably for Rio too. Speaking of the devil, he's coming over to us clapping Moscow's back and hugging my side. I smile at him and ruffle his hair earning a goofy grin. I love these moments... they remind me of hour childhood, it was always us two.. Anibal and Julia against the world, after I returned from the army, we just grew closer, helping each other in every way we can but at the same time pissing each other off like there was no end.

Venice stands hidden behind the corner of a house, watching Rio with his graduation certificate in hand. A proud smile etched on her face, and anticipation clearly visible in her eyes. It has been a year and a half since she last saw her little brother. The only memory of his annoying face is one of the few pictures their parents ever took of both siblings. Smiling, she reminisces about how Rio didn't want to let her go when she was redeployed after just a month at home due to the Catalonia crisis. A piercing nausea creeps over her as she thinks about why she is back home. No one knew what had happened, and their parents refused to speak to her after she was discharged. Rio's laughter snaps her out of her thoughts, and she comes out of her hiding place, leaning against a car, waiting for him to notice her.

Rio has just said goodbye to one of his teachers when the teacher points behind him and gestures slightly in her direction. Frozen, he stands there as he sees the long brown hair, the button nose, and the petite yet athletic figure of his big sister. The fake smile he had put on for the teacher slips from his face, and he just stares at her, soaking in her appearance as she casually leans against the car, hands buried in her pockets, until her grin widens. As a broader smile spreads across his face, she opens her arms and walks slowly toward him. Breaking into a sprint, he runs towards his sister and lifts her up in his arms, as she clings to him, as if afraid he might disappear once she lets go.

"I've missed you so much, Anibal, you have no idea," joyous tears streaming down both their faces. "You missed me? I missed you! What are you doing here? I thought you were stationed there for at least another half year. Are you staying? And do Mom and Dad know you're back?" He puts her down but rests his hands on her shoulders, her smile slowly fading from her face, and Rio looks at her with concern. "What's wrong? Julia, what happened?"

Venice; Money HeistWhere stories live. Discover now