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"Day five of the heist. One hostage and two officers wounded, an explosion, and an escape by hostages. And now, Channel 6 cameras are about to enter the place that the whole world is watching."

Two figures are seen from behind, watching the screen intently.

"I can't believe he actually pulled it off," says a deep voice.

"Andrés helped him. I mean, selecting the members for the heist," replies a second, slightly higher voice.

The two men continue to watch the screen, which serves as the only source of light in the dark room.

"Regardless of what happens, they have succeeded in capturing the attention of the world," the taller man leans back thoughtfully. "Do you think Andrés will do it? The interview?"

"Andrés, that Rio kid, Tokyo, or the sister... regardless, I'm preparing for a masterful performance."

On the screen, the reporter is seen, followed by a squad unit, heading towards the entrance.

"In a minute, we'll witness something historic. A Channel 6 reporter and a cameraman will enter the site of the heist. This is as far as the police can go. From this point on, the reporter and cameraman will be on their own, unprotected. We've never seen such a thing. All over the country, the streets are empty."

The opening of the door is seen, and the team of reporter and cameraman enters. The screen goes black until the cameraman switches on his camera, focusing on the reporter who patiently stands next to a young woman, attaching the microphone. At the sight of the woman, the younger of the two men leans forward, resting his elbows on his knees.

"Miss Cortes, I have to ask, why did you allow a team of journalists to broadcast live from in here?"

"This is a decisive moment for all of us in here, and we needed you here to record it and to make it public. Please, come with me..." Captivated by her voice, the man observes the scene.

"This is Julia Cortes, sister of Anibal Cortes, another bank robber involved in the heist. She served in the military for years before being dishonourably discharged for unknown reasons. She's said to be the mastermind behind the sibling duo."

"Andrés told me about her. Of course, he didn't reveal her name. He was fascinated by her."

"She's beautiful."

"Don't let her appearance deceive you, my brother... She's supposed to be a badass when it comes to weapons and fighting. Sergio told me he relies on her intellect and tactical knowledge."

A smile spreads across the younger man's lips. Julia Cortes... Julia... He focuses on her face.

"It seems Andrés isn't the only one fascinated by her," laughs the second man.

Venice; Money HeistWhere stories live. Discover now