Chapter 13

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It was so silent you could hear a pin drop. Both sides ceased fire either in amazement or pure confusion. What just happened?

   A voice from inside the forest broke the silence by saying "Uh. So what now?" Another voice called back answering "What do you mean? I'm not fighting without Bjorn, fuck that. I'm out of here." "Yeah, me too. They've still got those elite fuckers, I'm heading back" "Hey, wait for me!" Before we knew what was even going on, they had given up, and turned tail. Whatever.

    No one on our side even bothered chasing after them. It wasn't worth it. We gathered up anyone who was injured and made our way back inside with them.

    As everyone was doing that I saw the Elites all together talking. Maybe they can tell me what just happened. I made my way over to them, Lilith saw me approaching and called out to me "Hey soldier! Come on over, introduce yourself." All eyes were on me, now.

"Everyone, this is Carly. She's the new prospect, David was talking about.The one with the sword spoke up first, saying "Although I wish it was under better circumstances, it's nice to meet you, Carly. My name is Ryu." Now that I was close up on him, I could see that he had a scar on his face, like he was cut from the top on his eye to his chin, and jet black hair, tied in a ponytail.

   The two with guns, the rifle and revolvers spoke next, although it seemed like they were too busy arguing to give a shit about me. "Your aim was piss poor, Roland! You'd think you'd be at least halfway decent with that stupid rifle of yours." He barked at the man

  "Me!? I didn't miss a damn thing! What about you, huh? I had to worry more about your stupid ass shooting me, more than I did Bjorn! You need to work on it aim, Rebel!" They're much too busy going at each other to even try to speak with them.

    As I watched them argue, another voice spoke out to me "Hey. Nice to meet you. My name's Patrick, but everyone calls me Wrecking Ball, or just Wreck for short." It was the guy with the ball and chain, so it was easy to see why they'd call him that.

   "It's nice to meet you all. I'm glad everyone is okay. But uh, what happened to David? Is he gonna be okay?" Ryu spoke up and said "We don't know the specifics of what goes on in that bag, but rest assured he'll be okay. David isn't one to lose, so easy." He said as he held up David's Galaxy bag.

   Lilith snatched it from him and said "Yeah, Bjorn is in boss man's world now. No way he'll win. For now let's just go see Eden and give her the bag to hold on to." Everyone besides Roland and Rebel, who were still too busy arguing to pay attention to what was going on, started to walk back inside "What about those two?" I asked, concerned they might just end up killing each other

    "They'll be fine. Let em kiss and make up." Wreck answered. I caught up with the rest and followed them to see Eden. We had idle chatter along the way, mostly centered around me and my journey here. They were all pretty impressed with my accomplishment of making it here, making it known that they could see why David wanted me so bad.

   When we arrived we all went inside and we greeted by Eden and six other children running around, playing, and whatnot. When we entered they screamed in excitement of seeing familiar faces, jumping around us all.

   "Hey hey hey! That's enough now! I need you all to be quiet for a minute so we can talk. Play with each other till we're done." They all scattered around the room, playing with random toys and each other, while Eden gathered herself and said "Alright now. So, where's David?" With an eyebrow raised

   Lilith held the bag up and tossed it to Eden "He went in the bag with Bjorn They're in there slugging it out, I'd suppose." She said with a shrug of her shoulders

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