Chapter 29

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I ran over to Jay's apartment, and gave everyone a quick run down, of what happened. We all rushed back over, and by that time, the MKE's had arrived. Everyone was gathered around David, as he sat central in the room. We stood to the back, David noticed us, and sat back in his chair.

A deep sigh escaped his lips before he said "There's a lot to go over. First, and most importantly, involves the chosen ones. I'm sure you all know the story. Mother Nature chose ten of us, yada yada. Well......There's only four of us left, the rest were killed."

There were audible gasp, from some Mk's, and honestly I was shocked to hear this. The chosen ones are like titans....larger than life. Looking at David, I couldn't imagine him losing, let alone getting murdered

"It was the first couple of years we got our powers. We were new to our powers, still figuring things out. We thought there was no way anyone could beat us. Until we met General Harris, the bastard who kidnapped Mother Natures son, and robbed her of her powers. He has a serum of sorts, comprised out of Mother Natures blood, that awakens your powers, to put it simply. It's much more complicated than that, but just know, that's what it leads to."

This was a revelation for sure. David told me that Mother Nature gifted him his powers personally, but this Harris guy seemingly just forces them into people, using her blood?

"That man that you just saw is responsible for the death of four of us, along with the help of a chemical weapon. Incredibly powerful, of course, if it could take us, out. The reason? For one of our weapons. One of the chosen ones had the weapon, Pandoras box. Yes, that box. To use it required the sacrifice of three other chosen's weapons, it's meant to be a last ditch effort. Now that last ditch effort lies in the hands of the enemy, and they'll use it on us in the war. Or at least try, I won't let them. My friends didn't die to be used against the world they wanted to protect."

David sighed and rubbed his head, in an obvious display of frustration "If anyone has any questions, now is the time-" before David could finish the door burst open and an MK rushed in "David, the forest! It's on fire!" "DAMN IT!" David rushed out, everyone following behind him.

As we ran towards the gate, the Combination of the people watching in fear, and the fire blazing in the distance, sent my heart into a frenzy. When we reached the gate, we all stopped and stared. The fire was in the distance thankfully, but spreading.

From inside the forest, accompanying the flames, that same cackle from earlier, erupted, just as twisted and evil as before "I couldn't leave without giving you a present, David! Can't wait to see you on the battlefield. It'll be so much fun!" The laugh erupted again, this time fading away in the distance till it couldn't be heard anymore.

"Jay! I want y'all to start knocking down trees, set a perimeter so the fire can't spread too far. You'll work in tandem with-" before David could finish a deep voice called out from behind us "You'll be working with me. I'll set a controlled fire, and contain this mess." I whipped my head around and saw none other than the Pyromancer, himself.

He stepped forward and without any hesitation called out "Let's go. We've got a fire to put out." Jay sighed and the rest of his guys stretched, getting ready to head into this mess together. Without anymore words they all went off, and it wasn't long before you could hear trees falling down and the sound of fire from the Pyromancer.

David looking off into the forest, surrounded by people, Mk, and citizens, alike, spoke up "I could quell this fire in ten seconds at the most. So why don't I? Because, one day I'm not gonna be around, and it's gonna be up to someone else, someone less capable than me. And I wanna make sure y'all can take care of yourselves." It was a tough decision, but I understood it. He was right, really. He couldn't be there to save us all the time. Even more reason I need to get stronger. I wanna be able to help out during times like these.

Toro popped up beside me, and said "Hey, sorry I'm late. I heard what happened. I was doing some crowd work, people were freaking out back there, man. Understandably so." 

We waited and watched for an hour as The Pyromancer and everyone else worked on putting the flames out. After it calmed down, out of the forest walked the Pyromancer, up to us "Jay and the rest are keeping an eye on the fire, making sure it goes completely out." He said through his helmet, as we were barely able to understand him.

David spoke up, saying "Take your helmet off. I really need to get you a new one, It's way too hard to hear you" Wait. Just like that? I didn't think I'd ever see him without it. I had been wondering what this guy looks like since I first met him. I had built so many mental images, and was sure I had a good feel on it.

Not a single one was even remotely close, which I would've been fine with, but then I had to deal with the utter shock of watching this man take his helmet off and revealing.... Ana!?

"Wooh. It's a lot easier to breathe without this thing, gotta say" She just casually said. Audible gasp were emitted from multiple peoples mouth, and I'm pretty sure my jaw was scraping the ground at this point.

From beside me I heard Toro say "Wait, I thought you were just a lazy lady who layed around all day?"

Ana shrugged and yawned before continuing on "Anyway. Everything's gonna be okay. We kept it controlled, and honestly the dumb fuck just unknowingly helped us. It'll be a lot easier to make a path, now"

David chuckled and replied "A bit of good news then, I guess. Good job, I'm glad I can count on y'all"

"Yep, of course. It's my home, too." Ana said as she walked forward. When she got beside me she said "Wanna hang out on the roof later?"

My jaw was still being used as a street sweeper at this point, but I managed to pick it up, and wipe the look of udder shock and disbelief off my face long enough to answer "Uh, yeah. Yeah, for sure. I'll see you there" She smiled and walked off, yawning. I looked at Toro. He looked at me. We both decided that neither of us knew how to process this and looked at David. He shrugged his shoulders and said "She's tired, I'll let her rest"

Without thinking I barked back"That's not the point here! Ana is the Pyromancer! What the hell?"

He looked at us confused and said "You guys didn't know that" I give up. I walked off with Toro and we both sat in the plaza, for about a good ten minutes.

No words exchanged until he shot up from his chair and said "I need to go talk to her" I shot up "Me too..... what the hell, Ana?" And with that we both made our way to the roof of my apartment complex

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