Chapter 28

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The serpents hook? What was he talking about? My thoughts were interrupted by David chiming in "Yep, that's right!" With a big smile on his face "She's perfect for it"

Jay looked confused, as he ran his hand through his hair, moving it out of his face "How? She barely knows anything, we're in the middle of teaching her"

Taeyoon interjected into the conversation, with his hand on his chin, as he said "I get it, and I think he's right. Think about it. She's a fresh canvas, unlike all of us. We're all dedicated to our practices, but Carly? She's still learning the ropes. Our martial arts has been burned into us, holding us back from learning other things as-"

"Alright, alright, I get it. Clean slate, easy to teach. Thanks, Tae" Jay cut him off, and Goon put his hand on Tae's shoulder "I for one, love hearing you explain things. Good job, buddy" "Thank you"

David walked over to the heavy bag, and looked over to me "Pay close attention. I know you can do this" with a smile, before he turned, and started to stretch his arm. He threw a few mock hooks, at the bag, preparing for the real thing. Finally he cocked backed one more time, and in a blinding burst of speed, threw a hook, that midway through, curved down, turning into a body shot.

"That's the first thing to learn, but after awhile, I want you to become a serpent." He said, before he threw another, then another.

Over and over, he threw hooks, jabs. overhands, straights, all of them twisting, and contorting in a way that made it look like I was watching a snake slither through the air, biting it's prey.

Where you thought the punch was going, it went a completely different direction, impossible to track, the only signs were the indents David left on the bag.

After about thirty seconds of that, stepped back and looked at us, visibly proud of himself. Crow whistled, Goon clapped, and Tae said "I must admit, it's probably the most impressive move, I've seen. It could be used to deflect possibly anything. Especially in the hands of someone like you, David."

"Jesus Christs, you're gonna boost his ego, even more."  Jay interjected.

David snickered and replied "Too late, I already know I'm awesome. Now then, back to you, Carly. Do you understand the technique of what I did, how I executed it?"

I replayed his movements over and over in my mind. He wasn't moving like a snake, he became a snake. Not only did his arms move like fluid, his body did too. twisting and turning, as he punched. I took a deep breath, and stepped up to the bag. David looked at me and nodded.

After taking my stance, I envisioned my body loosening up, striking out with the swiftness of a snake, contorting to catch my prey at any angle. Without thinking too much about it I threw a hook, and halfway through the punch, shifted directions, like David, landing on the bag.

That one punch was enough for me, it felt like I threw my fucking shoulder out, for fucks sake. I drew back, and was met with the applause of everyone behind me.

Looking back, I couldn't help but to blush, at the attention. "Not bad. Not bad at all. You're gonna be adding that to your training regimen." David said, as he playfully punched my arm "You're gonna be top notch here, pretty soon." He said with a smile before bidding his farewell, and leaving us to our training.

Along with training my kicks, I'd throw a few serpents hook, just to get a better feel for it. Each time became more fluid, than the last. I'm excited to master this. It's gonna take awhile, but I'll do it.

Things were consistent like this, for awhile, and I enjoyed it. It seemed like when I arrived, I was hit back to back, with crazy events, so having this peace, and order to my days, was nice.

A few weeks had passed and one morning on my way to training, a voice called out to me "Excuse me, ma'am! A moment of your time, if I could" I turned around, to see a face I didn't recognize. Tall, fit, long grey hair falling past his shoulders.  A smile bright enough to battle the sun, and if that wasn't enough, his skin glowed like a beacon of light. His jawline was razor sharp, and....... Why the hell am I eye fucking this man so much? Answer him, damn it!

"Yeah, what's up?" I asked as he approached me, extending his hand "Lovely to meet you, so sorry to bother, I'll make it quick. I'm new in town, and was wondering if you could point me towards...Ah, what's his name? David, there we go. I'm looking for David."

I shook his hand, and replied "Oh, yeah no problem. I'm actually going that way. you can follow me." He smiled and thanked me, before following next to me. We exchanged some chatter along the way, he told me he was from a few hours away, and was hoping to bargain with David for supplies. I told him that knowing David, he'd most likely just give them to him.

When we arrived in the warehouse, David was sitting at a table talking joking with some MK's. "Hey David!" I called out "You've got a guest, says he's hoping to bargain" David turned around, smiling "You've come to the right place, my frie-"

Before he finished his sentence, I could see something blitz past me, and heard a loud bang. I jumped to the side, and looked back to see David with his hand around this guys neck, pressing him up against the wall.

With a look that was filled with murderous intent, and his voice so low it was almost like a growl, he said "What the fuck are you doing here?" At this point everyone was paying attention to the situation unfolding, and the man was smiling, but it wasn't bright like before. It was wicked. His eyes were twisted, and he laughed like this was the funniest thing ever "What, I can't come see an old friend? I missed you, buddy" He said, ending with a laugh

"Did Harris send you here? If he wants to start this war early, we can. I can take all of you by my damn self. Starting with you." David's grip tightened, the veins in his hands popping out, but it was like that just made the man laugh even harder

"Slow your role, buddy. You and I both know that we'll kill this whole fucking city, if we fight here." The smile grew even more twisted, his laugh wicked, turning into a cackle, at this point. David just stared daggers into him, it seemed like he agreed with him "Leave. Now. I won't say it again."

"Fine, fine, I just wanted check on your toys" He said before turning to stare at me, sending chills down my spine "Where's that fire bitch at, huh?"

David slammed him to the ground, cracking the surrounding area  "Leave!" The man burst out into laughter and kicked David off of him, before jumping to his feet "Fine, fine. I've had my fun. Harris is gonna be pissed, anyway, he told me to stay away. Oh well, I should work on my listening skills" He said before laughing, and making his way out.

David stood there, no one saying anything. He sighed, and rub his forehead, before saying "Carly, go get Jay, and everyone else. I've got some things I need to tell everyone.

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