Chapter 35

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We all split up after dinner and I went back home, heading to sleep for the night. I didn't wake up until about 8. Today was a rest day, the knights weren't working out, so after waking up I headed to the warehouse.

   When I walked in Toro was sparring with Lilith. He noticed me, and smiled, which was quickly wiped away by a hook right to his face "Really? Pay attention. One wrong move will cost you your life, you know this." Toro gathered himself, and focused back on the fight.

    I noticed Ana and David sitting together, and made my way over. I got there just in time to catch David talking to Ana "Last night I had a dream I was a bottle of ketchup....and you were a bottle of mustard. Which is weird, because usually you're a bottle of mayonnaise in my dreams. Why do you think that is?" Ana just stared at him for a moment before responding "I don't know, David" He shrugged, and went back to watching Toro spar, as I sat next to them.

   "Morning" I said, plopping down on the couch between them, "Yo" Ana said before tilting her head back

  "Hey hey! Yah know, Toro's found a new spark lately. I think you're partially to thank for that." He said and nudged my arm

    "He's passionate, he really wants a chance to be better. he's always talking to me about it. Ever since I first got here." I replied as i sat back, and sunk into the couch.

    David leaned forward before replying "Yeah, that's just it. He's always talked about it a lot. for years. Toro's strong, but he wasn't putting in the work to reach anywhere beyond where he was. That's changed. He's still got a long way to go, but his desire has deepened, and his actions are lining up with his words. You can want something all day, doesn't matter if you never go get it."

   I watched Toro as David talked. He was right. I can see it in his eyes, there's a burning desire, that he didn't have before.

   "I've been thinking. How would you like to go on more missions with me? Experience is the best training, and hitting those punching bags is only gonna help so much. You showed me you've still got it, but you could always be better." He said with a smile.

   He wasn't wrong. More fights, more experience, better Carly. Simple math. "Count me in. When do we head out next?" I asked, as I leaned my head over, laying it on Ana's shoulder. She's very warm, like a damn furnace. It's pretty comfy.

    "Tomorrow morning. John let me know that we've got a group of people that have been lurking around the city. I got a good look at em, didn't like what I saw. Trailed them back to their camp, disliked what I saw even more. You'll see when we get there." Ominous. So be it, I'm down for it.

   As we all sat together I watched Toro, and he was a pretty good fighter. Lilith was kicking his ass, but that's nothing to be ashamed of. His footwork was clean, though. He dodged well, and he could take a hit. Not too good on the ground, though. Lilith got him with a takedown, and put him in an armbar. He was tapping soon after.

   "Not bad, Toro. Keep it up. and you'll be worth your weight in spit." Lilith said as she helped him up "I have no idea if that's a compliment or not." Toro replied. Lilith shrugged, and let out a quick breath "Come on, another round." And with that they were back at it.

    In the moment I thought about something, and spoke up Hey Ana, I've never been to your apartment. Are you hiding from me or something?"

   "You do realize we live down the hall from each other, and you can just walk a couple doors down, right?" She asked. Silence overtook the conversation, as I sat there kinda embarrassed at how right she was

    "I've been a bad friend. I'll see you tonight, we're having a sleepover." She chuckled, and went back to watching Toro. We watched him spar a few more times before hunger set in, and Ana and I went to the plaza to get something to eat.

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