Chapter 23

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My mind was racing all night until I finally fell asleep, I genuinely couldn't contain my excitement. Practically as soon as my eyes opened, I shot up in bed, ready to tackle the day. I took a shower, and got ready to head out.

As soon as I stepped out my apartment, It hit me.....I've got no idea where Jay lives. Ana should though. I went to her room down the hall and gave a knock. She seems like an early riser, so shouldn't be a problem. Hell, she's been barging in on me recently, she'll be fine. I waited for a couple of minutes at her door, but was met with no answer.

I guess she already headed out somewhere. Fuck it, I'll figure it out. My feet had a certain lightness to them as i glided down the stairs, filled with anticipation. Stepping outside, the sun hit, sharing it's warmth. A few kids ran past, nearly running into me. I stepped back a bit, getting out of their way. They looked back and yelled "Sorry lady!" As they continued on.

I looked around, and the day was beautiful as could be. Voices filled the streets, laughter spreading around. A smile couldn't help but to creep across my face, this place really is great. I've still gotta figure out where the hell Jay is, so off to the warehouse, someone there will know.

The walk there was peaceful, although I was reminded that I definitely didn't eat before I left. For a moment I spaced out while I walked, thinking about if I should get something, after getting directions. A voice calling out to me snapped me back "Hey hey, Carly!" I looked and it was David.

He was dressed in an all black Turtleneck, slacks, and dress shoes, with a plastic bag in his hand. "Hey hey, classic man. What's with the fancy look?" I said as we met up.

He chuckled a bit before replying "What, a man can't look good? Have you seen the women around here? Gotta dress to impress!" He put his arm over my shoulder and laughed.

The scent of whatever cologne he had on, hit my nose, and damn near made my knees buckle. "Oh, that's a really nice cologne....Hey! I'm telling Eden Mr 'Have you seen the women around here?' Sheesh." We both laughed and he replied "Pssh, she'd like it. But it's actually perfume! I'm a perfume kinda guy. Cologne tends to be too strong on the nose for my liking. I'm all for the flowers, vanilla, and shit like that."

He lifted his arm off me and said "But on a serious note, I'm going to a funeral. Quick service for the people we lost at the greenhouses." My heart damn near broke when he said that.

My head dropped and he picked it right back up, looking me in my eyes "Listen to me. You did great. You can't go blaming yourself. You're in a position now where you'll be seeing a lot of people lose their life entirely too early. I'm not telling you to become some emotionless robot, but at times like this, there's gonna be people looking to you, for you, in these times; to remind them that there are people who are fighting, on a daily, to ensure that this world is one worth living in. Their loved ones may be gone, but they are still here, and I won't let anyone's death be in vain."

He gave me a soft reassuring smile, rubbed my head a bit, and I couldn't help but to smile back. I sighed before replying "You're right. I wanna do this. I wanna help, and be strong. I'll do my best to stay strong."

"Fuck yeah. Remember to take time to yourself, to deal with your own struggles, and shit like that, too. Yah wanna come with me?"

He asked as he started to rummage through the bag he had "Yeah, that'd be nice. What's in the bag?" He pulled out a sandwich and passed it to me "Eden made it. She gave me ten of em, but I ate like six on the way here." He said with a laugh, and started to continue on. This guy and Ana. Bottomless pits, I swear. I followed beside him, and as I ate the absolutely amazing sandwich, and asked him where to find Jay. He lives in an apartment Complex next to the warehouse.

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