Chapter 21

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The more I learned about David, the more I realized just how special the chosen ones, really are. Although, calling them special seems like a drastic understatement. I appreciated everything he told me, though. More than anything, I can see how much really believes in me, and something in me didn't wanna let him down.

I couldn't help but to smile after hearing everything David said. It gave me hope, that maybe I wasn't so out of place, and maybe I could be helpful. "Thanks, David. I'll do my best" I said with a hopeful smile.

He smiled, and waved his hand to me "No problem, amiga. I'm gonna go ahead and head out of here, though. Getting kinda tired" He said as he stood up and stretched his legs "See you guys later" I was expecting him to head down the stairs, but nope, he started to jump roof to roof. I couldn't help but to watch as he cleared each jump with ease.

I looked at the gap between two buildings and there was no way I could even dream of making that jump, myself.

As I looked over I heard Ana slurping before she said "I'll give yah five bucks if yah can make it" I turned around and she was layed across the couch, sipping her juice, that she definitely didn't have a second ago. I scoffed at her request and said "No, thanks. I'm already spent for the day. I bet you are too, you did a lot of laying around. Must be exhausted." I jokingly said and laughed

"Yeah, gonna go do some more, soon. You gonna head in?" "Yeah, I'm pretty damn tired. Trainings going well, though! I'm excited, and I think I'm making good progress." Ana stood up and yawned "Yeah, you'll be kicking ass before you know it. Maybe you'll even catch up to me one day. Probably not, though." She said and started to make her way down "Very encouraging, Ana. Thank you." I sarcastically said, and followed behind her.

We both headed back home, and I took a shower before laying down. I was absolutely exhausted, drifting off before even realizing it. I woke up around 6:44  and just layed there for a few minutes before getting up and making something to eat. Ana didn't show up this morning, so it was just me. A light breakfast to get me through the morning, and I headed out to training.

When I got there, I walked in to another big crowd of people circled around the center. I squeezed my way to the front and to my surprise, David was sparring with all the MKE's.

"Harder. Faster! We're gonna be heading out by the end of the year, and I need you all in your best form" David said as they were all hunched over or on the ground out of breath. Wreck shot up and threw his ball at David. He dodged and grabbed the chain, pulling him forward, swept his leg, knocking him on his face.

Lilith charged in while he was distracted and jumped on his back, putting him in a chokehold "Doesn't matter how strong you are, you still need air!" "Not bad. If I was a regular person I'd be fucked, right now. But I've held my breath for a week straight, before, yah know" He said as he reached back to grab her.

Before he could get a hold of her, two shots were fired from Rebel's revolvers, right at his head. Seems pretty dangerous, even if it is David. What if they hit someone else?

"Don't worry, you probably couldn't see it but David can make a protective orb, that keeps things from getting in and out. Oh and they're blanks." someone said next to me.

I looked over and Toro was there. "Good show, huh? You don't get this often. David usually only trains with the Pyromancer and Jay, at the same time, I should mention. And I heard there's this other guy, one of the Chosen one's, Simon, his angel, that can put up a pretty decent fight when he gets with Jay and the Pyromancer. I'd love to see it. But Jay is busy and no idea where the Pyromancer is. And this is training for them. It might seem like they suck, but in all honesty, it's incomprehensible how strong David really is, compared to us. I'd love to train with him" Toro said with a certain joy in his voice.

More shots were fired, and I whipped my head back over. Roland had his rifle aimed at David, shells surrounding him. Lilith was on the ground, I must've missed David taking her down.

"Y'all are improving at great speeds. I love to see it." No sooner than he was done speaking, Ryu came in with a practice sword, and started to swing at him, doing his best to strike. David dodged and blocked with his hands, stepping back "Good. Get through my guard, and-" before he could finish, he was on his ass. Lilith had snuck behind him and swept him from behind.

They all surrounded him, and looked down, in triumph "Nice. I might be able to trust you fucks after all" He jumped up, and dusted himself off "next time I won't let you win, though. You'll have to actually work for it" He said before stretching and waving, as he walked off to sit next to Ana who was in her usual spot

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