Chapter 24

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Jay turned around and waved me in, walking towards the radio blasting music, and turned it down a bit. When I walked in I couldn't help but to be impressed.

They had knocked down the walls, of the bottom three apartments, and made it into one giant workout room. Goon, one of the guys who introduced himself at the gate, was bench pressing an absurd amount of weight, and another guy, who I didn't know, was working on his kicks, with a heavy bag.

Jay walked back over to me and spoke up to get their attention "Yo! We've got a guest" The two put their workouts to a halt, and gathered around, Goon speaking up first, with a smile  "Well I'll be damned. It's good to see yah"

Goon was tall. Not like Ana or David, but at least six feet tall. His almond colored skin glistened with sweat, from working out, accompanying his brown curly head of hair, hanging down to his shoulders.

I didn't notice it the first time we met, but he's got a really friendly aura about him. The way his eyes are nearly closed, from his big smile, with perfect pearly whites. His soft appealing voice cushioning every word as they hit your ears. Can't help but to like him.

A  deeper smooth voice from the left spoke up, saying "Nice to meet you. I didn't introduce myself at the gate, last time. I'm Taeyoon. You can just call me Tae."

Skin like pale ivory, covered the tall lean frame before me. Shaggy auburn colored hair down to his neck, unkempt bangs almost covering his emerald green eyes, and I noticed the slit in his left eyebrow. Fashion, or a scar? He was a heart throb, for sure. Almost like an Idol, but he had this edge to him, like you just know not to fuck with him.

I stopped eye fucking everyone long enough to reciprocate their greetings "Hey, I'm glad to be here. Really. Not too sure what I'll be doing, but I'll do my best"

Jay's raspy voice spoke up right after me "That's enough on the introductions. Let me tell  you what you'll be up to with us." He pointed at Goon and said "He'll be helping you with your weight training, getting you psychically stronger"

Goon smiled and threw up a peace sign "Looking forward to it, friend" He said with a smile, before Jay moved on to Tae "He's gonna help you with your kicks. After seeing yours on me, he's interested."

Tae nodded his head and said "It was sloppy, and unrefined, but the potential I saw in it....Unmistakeable" I nervously laughed a bit and replied

"Thanks. It wasn't that good, I don't think. I just kinda reacted, yah know" Without saying anything Tae pointed to Jay, hey their names rhyme. Funny. Anyway, Tae pointed to Jay, and without saying anything Jay sighed before lifting his shirt up.

In the middle of his torso, right where I kicked him, was a big bruise. My eyes widened and couldn't help but to smile a bit, followed by a laugh "Holy fuck." Was all I could manage to say. I could barely believe I did that to him.

He put his shirt down and said "Yeah, yeah. Go fuck yourself. You did good and that's why you're here." A slight smirk overtook his face. He feigned annoyance, but it was obvious that he was proud. "For today, I'm gonna have you working out with Goon. Simple shit, you'll be fine." He said when a shrug before walking back over to the radio, turning it back up a bit. Tae walked back over to the heavy bag, and kept working on his kicks.

"And then there were two!" Goon called out. I turned to see his big beautiful smile and couldn't help but to smile back

"What're we listening to, by the way? Never heard it before" I asked.

Goon sighed and said "City morgue. What I wouldn't give to go to another concert of theirs."  He answered while walking over to the bench press, taking a few weights off, lightening his absurd load. About 150 pounds was left on the bar now "Show me what you've got, lady. Don't worry, I'll be right here spotting, yah."

I tried not to think too much about it, Goon definitely would be a great spot, for me. I laid down on the bench and got proper gripping on the bar before breathing in and breathing out when I pushed the bar up. It wasn't nearly as hard as I thought it'd be.

I alternated breaths while going up and down, and after about ten times I set the bar back on the rack "Pretty damn good! Thought I was gonna have to help out a lot more. Honestly think you'll be able to lift more! Next time I'll give you two hundred pounds."

I sat up and took a deep breath, fighting the urge to vomit at Goons suggestions. Honestly, it wasn't as bad as I thought it'd be. The rest of the time spent there was with Goon taking me through the motions. We worked my legs, with Goon hinting that I'll need to start strengthening them for my upcoming training.

After it was all said and done, I laid in the middle of the room, perfectly content with the thought of dying right now and never having to work out with these fuckers, again.

All of a sudden these three titans were standing over me, to check on me. "You did good, today. I think this is gonna go well" Jay  called out.

Taeyoon nodded his head in agreement, and Goon reached his hand out to help me up, while saying "For sure. Before you know it, you'll be lifting like I do" He said with his big smile. I wanted to kick his ass for even suggesting that shit, but I couldn't even even stay mad after looking at his smile.

"Go home and relax. We're gonna keep working out for probably an hour or so." Jay called out.

I sighed and said "You're all freaks of nature, and I'm looking forward to turning into one, too" before making my way back home.

My body was begging for a remedy from this strenuous day, and I was happy to oblige, with a warm bath. As I sat in the tub, melting away, I could feel my body loosen up.

I know this is all new, but I can't help but to feel a certain excitement, when I envision the future. Me as some kick ass fighter, saving the world with David and everyone? Fuck yeah, I can get behind that.

After soaking for awhile I got out, got dressed and checked the time on my clock. Only 2:45. Times moves a lot slower than you think, sometimes.

How the hell does one activity, first thing in the morning, take all day, in video games? I never understood that. I remember watching Rico play games and he'd go do something simple like go to the store, and it'd take all damn day.......Why the hell am I rambling to myself? I'm too used to talking to myself, like i'm in a a book or something.

Anyway, after getting dressed I went up to the rooftop, to relax. While I was sitting on the couch, just taking in the peace, I heard someone yelling from below "Edgar! Edgar come back!"

I got up looked over the edge, and saw Crow running towards the gate. Now that I think about it, he wasn't with Jay and everyone earlier. I wonder where he's been.

Without even really thinking about it, I rushed down the stairs to catch up with him, hoping to find out where he was, and who Edgar is

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