Chapter 25

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My attempt at catching up to Crow wasn't successful. The best I could do was keep him in eye sight, and my multiple tries at calling out to him were for nothing. He was too distracted to hear me.

He ran right through the front gates, and right into the surrounding forest. I stopped dead in my tracks, right at the gate.

Anxiety washed over me in that moment. Hell I wasn't even worried about Crow. He's part of Jay's crew. I know he can handle himself. What about me, though?

  As I was deep in thought a voice from atop the gate called out to "He didn't go too far, you know. The surrounding area is safe."

I looked up to see John. He waved and pointed forward, giving me the encouragement I needed..... I think. Something's off about this guy. This fucker better not be trying to get me killed.

I took a deep breath and without thinking much, started to run behind Crow. It's not just us, It's Edgar too, and who knows what kind of predicament he's in.

"Crow!......Edgar! Can either of you hear me!?" I slowed down, walking through the forest. The silence was deafening, with the crunching of leafs, and sticks, under my feet, being my only company.

I walked for about fifteen minutes, calling out to Crow, and Edgar, as I went. Suddenly I heard a voice in the near distance calling out "Edgar. Edgar. Edgar. Over and over.

I dashed forward turning the corner, to where I heard the voice, and immediately felt my heart drop. There in front of me stood a single crow. Flashbacks of the farm flooded my mind all over again, and I felt like vomiting.

This crow was even bigger than the one's at the farm, and it had a white streak down it's back. "Edgar. Edgar. Edgar is here." You've gotta be shitting me. This damn crow can talk, and it's trying to trick Crow and Edgar into coming here.

It started to step forward and I stepped back, tripping over a root, and fell on my ass. I don't even have a weapon with me. Why the hell did I come out here?

"Edgar is here. Edgar."  The bird called out again, stepping forward. I scrambled to my feet and just as I was about to run away I heard someone "Edgar! I've been looking for you, buddy!" Much to my surprise, Crow popped out of the nearby woods, rushing to the crow..... This is already confusing.

"You've gotta stay closer to town, Ed, near the warehouse." He said. The crow replied, cause that's what crows do I guess. I'm so tired, man "Sorry. Edgar stay closer. Edgar find friend" He said , looking towards me. Crow looked to me, and called out "Carly? Where'd you come from?"

That's not the real question right now, you ass. "I saw you running, and calling out to Edgar. I thought someone got lost, or something. Just figured i'd try to help.....What's with the bird?" I asked, pointing, my hand still trembling.

"Ah man. You must've been terrified. I'm sorry about that, really. This is Edgar. I found him when he was a baby, he was kicked out of his group of birds, so long story short, I ended up taking care of him. Edgar, say hello" "Hello. Carly" Crow offered a smile to lighten the situation.

I sighed, and unclenched my ass, before trying to settle down a bit. "Fucking hell. Hello" I said with a soft wave.

We ended up walking back together, up until the forest right next to the gate, Crow stopping with Edgar and saying

"We're gonna take the long way around. Most people know about Edgar, but he still makes them a bit uneasy. Sorry again, and I'll see you tomorrow" Crow said with a smile and a wave, Edgar following him. I waved, and made my way to the gate.

As I was about to pass through, I stopped and looked up "Hey John" I called out "Yeah?" He replied without even looking down "You Knew who Edgar was, didn't you?" "Yeah" "Fuck you, John" "Understandable"

With that, I made my way to the plaza, and picked up some food, heading back to my place for the night. After eating I ended up passing out for the night, the day finally catching up with me. When I woke up the next morning I did my usual routine, showered, got dressed, and headed out for the day.

As I was making my way to Jay's apartment, I ran into him, making his way to me "Hey. I was about to come and get you. Trainings gonna be a bit different, today" He said as he kept walking, me joining alongside him

"How so?" I asked with a genuine curiosity "The apartment is just for traditional workouts. We do the real deal outside the walls. You'll see." His answer was vague, but knowing that I'd get the rest soon was enough for me.

We made our way to the gates and waiting there was the rest of Jay's crew, Goon, Taeyoon, and Crow, all waiting with their dirt bikes. We all greeted each other, and I asked "Where's mine?"

Jay looked at me and chuckled, before getting on his bike "Hop on" He said "This works too, I guess" We all rode together for about ten minutes, deep into the forest, well past known safe zones.

At some point I looked up and could see Edgar flying along with us. I was a bit worried, coming out this far, but something about being with these guy's eased my tension.

When we finally arrived at our destination, I looked around, and could see trees knocked down, splintered at the base, split apart, broken in half, and uprooted, all around. I stepped off the bike and looked around in awe. These are thick trees, most of them easily 4 to 5 feet wide, and between 40 to 50 feet tall at least.

"What happened here?" I asked, sure that some monstrous animal ripped through here

"We did. David wants a clear path by the end of the year, so we've been clearing this place out for miles" Jay replied "But I don't see any tools." I said. Jay scoffed and I looked back to see sly grins on all their faces "Who needs tools, when you are the tools? Doing our job, and training at the same time"

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