Fishy shit

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     My aunt was surprised to see Luna here. She was Shamir's betrothed, but we knew it would take her a good while to come up with something.
   My thoughts went back to that little fish. It's words reflected in my mind. If there was an unknown creature that was hiding during the fight could it really have seen it?
Most creatures would have swam out of harms way. Why stick around for a magic fight? I wasn't sure but meeting Luna, she seemed different. She wasn't sad or depressed about the man she loved being in a painting there was no escape from.
  "You are right dear, True Love is powerful but it is something you both feel. We Mers, have soulmates. There are two things that must match. " explained Kali.
   Luna hovered in front of us. Two men swam in. Both resembled Luna with a purple streak in their hair. The younger of the two, swam around his sister. He was looking at her and then back at the other man.
  " she is right. Father, when did you see Luna last? " asked the younger merman.
      Did I miss something? Luna was swimming right in front of her father and brother, but they didn't see or hear her. I heard her , and saw her. She looked at me and back at her brother.
    "Something happened to me. If they can't see or hear me, then I am either dead or not in my body. Can you see me ?" she asked.
    I nodded and swam to her.
" I am Shamir's great niece. I am not sure why they can't see or hear you.  Maybe they can help you? With all this magic here some thing should work " I said.
     "Gramma, I can see Luna. She is right here in front of her brother and dad. " I said.
    My grandma turned and looked at me. She also looked over at Cecilia who had been talking to Luna's dad.
  "You can see her? That is not good. Ask her if she knows what happened to her? " said Kali.
       Luna told me everything she remembered. As she told me, her father and brother were sitting down with Cecilia. They were so upset. They told her that they saw her last night before she went to bed. She was in their garden.
         Luna said she was stuck with a solution for Shamir's issue. She was looking up through the water, when a fish began to talk to her. It was red, just like the one that spoke to me.
     This one said that it was Shamir's other half. And that he had an idea that would fix him so that they could be together.
     She told the fish she didn't trust or believe him. Then everything went black. She was looking down at her body but she was in shock.

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